Child Development and Learning Center in Bangkok

Without question, our children are precious. We nurture them, we care for them, and we raise them to be healthy, competent adults. From the moment a child enters this world they begin a long, complex journey of development and learning, much of which comes directly from the parents.

[image: pexels]

A child’s health, learning and development will be the foremost priority for every parent. However, not every parent realizes that a child’s potential may not be fulfilled unless they, and their child, fully understand the process of learning and development. 

Nobody knows a child better than its parents. The parents watch, and take great joy, in seeing their offspring learn and develop. However, all too often parents are unaware if their child is progressing in their development at a normal pace. In some areas a child may progress faster than in other areas, which is quite normal. However, the varying pace at which a child learns and develops in differing areas of behavior can be of concern.

Whether a parent recognizes this, or not, professional advice and assistance can reassure and guide them in having an active, and effective role in their child’s development. Professionals in this field can also act as an additional conduit in aiding a child’s progressive development.

The crucial, early years of a child’s formative development is recognized by a unique facility in Bangkok, one which is dedicated solely to maximizing a child’s learning potential. This helps to lay down solid, well rounded, foundations for the child’s future. That facility is the Child Development and Learning Center, which has been created by The Samitivej Hospital group.

Initial Development Assessment

Every child visiting the facility will be assessed as to their learning and development progression and for their behavioral responses. This assessment is essential for the trained specialists to identify the weak and strong areas of each child’s development. From this, a tailored program of activities can be drawn up which aids in maximizing the child’s learning and development potential.

In some cases, a child’s learning and development can be adversely affected by being born prematurely, through health issues, or by a congenital factor, such as Down’s or fragile X syndrome. If a child lacks the thyroid hormone, this is highly likely to affect a child’s development, as can any physical trauma that the child may have received.

At the center trained specialists will also take into account the family, a child’s siblings, and the social dynamics which shape the lifestyle of the parents, all of which can have a positive, or negative, bearing on a young child’s learning and development.

Such aspects can affect a child’s emotional development and their social skills. The highly trained doctors at the center will assess each child’s responses through their interaction with other children and adults. Assessing the child’s responses and being able to steer them in a positive direction requires skilled therapists. 

Besides a child’s mental development, the center will appraise the child’s physical development. This will be done through fun activities which allow the child to display their ability to correctly control their body’s large and small muscle groups.

From assessing each child’s level of mental and physical development, and their interactive social skills, a program of activity sessions can be devised to aid the child’s development in specifically targeted areas.

Play as an Aid to Development

The center encourages a child’s natural desire to play, this is done in a way in which the child can develop and learn in a safe environment, and as part of a structured process. Playful, fun activities encourage a child to use their imaginative and creative skills and to openly express themselves, vocally and physically.

The center understands that carefully created play sessions will help develop each child’s cognitive abilities. The center’s tailored play and therapy programs have all been proven to be successful in improving memory, problem solving, concentration, attention span and language skills.

Carefully structured play sessions will also help develop each child's overall fitness. Motion, flexibility, agility all improve under the expert guidance of the skilled therapists at the center, as does the child’s balance and coordination. Play sessions also promote cardiovascular fitness and help maintain a child’s healthy weight.

The sessions will also allow, and encourage, each child to make their own decisions through play, and to understand the consequences of those decisions. This teaches the child the principle of cause and effect.

Allowing each child to experience the natural consequences of the decisions they make during play is an invaluable element to learning and development. For instance, if the child undertakes a certain action and gets a pleasant feeling, and yet for another action receives a less pleasant feeling, they begin to understand the dynamic of cause and effect.

Additionally, the child will learn to understand logical consequences. This can be linked to intentional, negative behavior from the child. If a child abuses a toy that they have been given to play with, then the toy is taken away. The child will begin to understand the real-life implications of their own actions. 

Very often it is not only the child that needs assistance in their development. Parents or caregivers will also benefit the Child Development and Learning Center in Bangkok. Parental understanding of their child’s learning and development is essential, for both them and their child.

At the center, parents are encouraged to participate in the activities with their child, and within group sessions. This is done under the guidance and monitoring of the teachers and infant behavioral therapy specialists. The parents learn invaluable skills which can be transferred to the home environment, thus maintaining the continuity of the structured play sessions.

Giving a child the best possible start in life through learning and development is a priority for every patient. Parents can equip themselves, and their child, with the very best of structured learning by exposing the family unit to specialist teachers and therapists that are highly skilled in the area of child development. The best place to find this is at the Child Development and Learning Center in Bangkok, which not only helps children of Indigenous families, but also an increasing number of children from expat families residing in Thailand.

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