
6 Ways To Beat Overwhelm

When you're feeling overwhelmed, it can be really easy to get sucked down into a pit of despair and allow everything to get on top of you. There's no shame in admitting that things are getting too much. However, for your mental health, knowing how to beat overwhelm and reduce the added stress it can bring is vital to assist you in living your best life and not worrying about your life spiraling out of control.

So what can you do to beat overwhelm and reclaim your equilibrium?

Take A Step Back

If things are getting on top of you, it's a good idea to take a step back and assess your situation. What is causing the issue or issues? What are you dealing with? What needs to happen moving forward? From here, you can look at the bigger picture and ensure you're not missing anything and are aware of your current situation.

Prioritise Concerns

Feeling overwhelmed often stems from having too much on your plate and not knowing how to manage everything. But you can take back control. Start by writing down everything that's causing you stress, then prioritize them. This will help you create a plan to tackle each issue, starting with the most urgent. By doing this, you'll start to make sense of the chaos and regain control of your life, empowering yourself to overcome the challenges.

Talk To Someone

A problem shared is a problem halved, after all. Being able to share the mental load and ask others for help or support can be a huge relief. It might be that you talk to trusted family or friends you know you can rely on to get things done. You might also need to speak to professionals who can help you, such as financial advisors for money issues, doctors for health concerns, or lawyers for legal matters. Exactly who can help you will depend on the problems you are facing, but aligning with someone and getting help is the right way forward if you can't or are struggling with dealing with things alone.

Self Care

Self-care is more important than ever when things are getting too much for you. It's not a luxury, it's a necessity for maintaining your mental health. You need to remove yourself from the situation and give your body and mind what it needs at that time. From a healthy balanced diet to staying hydrated to getting enough sleep and exercise, you can do many everyday things that are classed as self-care. Outside of this, why not indulge in a spa session either at home or a salon? You can go out with friends for the day to help boost your spirits or take a bubble bath, read a book, play online games like solitaire, or watch a movie. The aim of self-care is to provide yourself with something that you need that makes you feel good. There is no right or wrong option; it is simply a choice to do something for yourself that boosts your mood.

Ground Yourself

Do some stretching, practice deep breathing exercises, or go outside, take your shoes off, and feel the grass under your feet. Whatever it is that will ground you, do it. When times get crazy and overwhelming, you need to ground yourself, as this practice can help you come back to the present and focus on the task at hand rather than the bigger picture.


A bit like grounding yourself, mindfulness is the practice of focusing your mind on the here and now. It's about being fully present in the moment, paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judging them. This is vital for when you're overwhelmed, as it can allow you to clear your mind, get through the noise to what really matters, and see a way forward.

It might take some time or practice, but doing so can be massively beneficial when the going gets tough and help save your sanity.


Struggling with overwhelming feelings, whether from your work life, home life, or life in general, isn't fun for anyone. But knowing how to get help, how to support yourself, and what you can do when times become too hard to deal with can enable you to move forward and find your way out from where you are not a healthier place and somewhere life is more manageable. So take a step back, prioritize your issues, get help, and look after yourself to help you overcome overwhelm.

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