
Types of Plastic Surgery Procedures Available in the UK

Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine used to repair defects caused by injuries, diseases or birth for the affected by such things in the United Kingdom. This form of surgery can also enhance or modify physical appearance for aesthetic reasons. To learn more about the common procedures around the nation, read on.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, providing women with an option to increase or rebuild their breast size, helping restore confidence both intimately and professionally, or simply rejuvenate one's self-image.

Before going through with breast enhancement surgery, it's important to fully comprehend what this procedure can and cannot accomplish for you. Discuss your expectations with your plastic surgeon and come up with an action plan together, in order to avoid disappointment or confusion later on. This can prevent unpleasant surprises later.

If you decide to get implants, it is integral that you select an experienced surgeon. At your initial consultation appointment, which can be scheduled here:, your plastic surgeon will take photos and measurements to help you select an implant size suitable for you. Then, they will explain their surgical process while answering any queries or addressing concerns that arise during treatment.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted deposits of fat from specific areas of the body. Liposuction should not be seen as a weight-loss tool; rather it's used to alter certain body areas - typically stomach, buttocks, hips, neck arms and thighs - by altering their shape or reducing unwanted fat deposits. Liposuction can even be used to eliminate small tumors and cysts that have formed.

Before your procedure, your surgeon will discuss your expectations and ensure you are suitable for liposuction. They will take a complete medical history including medications taken and perform a physical examination to help ensure quick healing times and positive results.

Once your surgery is scheduled, a general anesthetic or, for smaller areas of the body, an epidural may be administered to partially numb the lower half. Your surgeon will make incisions in natural body creases or places where they will remain hidden before inserting thin hollow tubes called cannulas into your body to extract fat cells.

Liposuction was initially developed to address certain health conditions, according to this site; however, nowadays most individuals who choose liposuction do it to alter the appearance of their bodies. While liposuction does eliminate fat accumulation on some bodies through surgery, if you do not follow an ideal lifestyle including proper diet and regular exercise then fat cells could continue growing out of control and altering your natural shape over time.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery can remove excess skin from the upper eyelids and decrease puffy bags under your eyes, as well as lift drooping eyelids (ptosis). Eyelid procedures enhance the look of your eyes by making them appear younger and more alert; additionally it may help improve peripheral vision by decreasing obstruction. An ophthalmologist will discuss your cosmetic goals with you and recommend the most suitable procedure.

Before eyelid surgery, your ophthalmologist will perform a complete eye examination and side vision testing. They'll also ask about any previous surgeries you've had as well as any medications, both prescription and over-the-counter that might increase bleeding during procedures- this information may be important in keeping everyone safe during procedures.

A local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area around your eyes, and then tiny cuts (incisions) will be made in natural creases and folds of your eyelids in order to make an incision for removal/reposition of fat/tissue removal/reposition as well as stitching the incisions closed after surgery is over. You should usually go home soon afterwards; however someone must drive as the effects of anesthesia may linger for some time after.


Facelift surgery can help tighten loose skin and remove extra fat in the neck, jawline and cheeks for a more youthful and rested look. When combined with other cosmetic procedures - eyelid procedure for brow lift for example - facelift can produce optimal results; so before making your decision it is essential that all options available to you have been explored by consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon.

Traditional facelift procedures involve making an incision in front of and into the hairline in front of both ears, tightening facial muscles and extracting any excess skin, before stitching up all incisions to hide scars as much as possible.

A short scar facelift (also called limited incision facelift) is an innovative procedure that reduces the length of incisions necessary for traditional face lifting procedures, making tightening skin without extracting large quantities of tissue easier than ever before. Your facial plastic surgeon can use this innovative procedure to transform your appearance with minimal scarring.

Facelift surgery should be carried out by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to ensure optimum safety and results. Your surgeon must understand your medical history as well as your desired results and expectations for this procedure, with smokers or heavy drinkers not suitable as candidates due to accelerated aging effects; anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided for one week prior to surgery as these may increase bleeding during the process.

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