
The All-New MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan Set to Excite Malaysians’ Taste Buds

Dah Cuba Ke? Here comes the All-New MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan is set to excite Malaysians' taste buds. Preparing Laksa the “Goreng” way is definitely a twist to Malaysian Laksa tradition. I dah cuba, sedap nak lagi! with aromatic and balance flavour of fresh ingredients, every bite is a new experience! 

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
The All-New MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan Set to Excite Malaysians’ Taste Buds 

At the launch event staged at the vintage-themed mansion, The Agam in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Juan Aranols, CEO of Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad said “As a brand that has over 50-year history and a meaningful space in the hearts of Malaysians, MAGGI® continues to proudly celebrate our heritage in all our offerings. Today, we are delighted to be part of the celebration of Malaysia’s vibrant Laksa dishes as we present our latest product innovation that pays homage to our nation's diverse and distinctive culinary heritage: our all-new MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan.”   

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
Unveiling of the all-new MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan (L - R) Prof. Dr. Shahrim Ab Karim, Professor of Malaysia Heritage Food and Culture at the Faculty of Food Science and Technology in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM); Chef Muluk, MAGGI® Chef; Juan Aranols, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad; Ivy Tan, Business Executive Officer of MAGGI® at Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad; Chew Soi Ping, Executive Director, Sales at Nestlé Malaysia; Anis Nabilah, Celebrity Chef

With its nostalgic aroma and its rich taste and texture, it is no surprise that the Laksa is an icon of Malaysian cooking tradition. Celebrity Chef, Anis Nabilah and Professor Dr. Shahrim Karim, Professor of Malaysia Heritage Food and Culture at the Faculty of Food Science and Technology in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) were also at the launch to showcase their culinary arts and expertise in preparing a delicious Laksa dish whilst sharing its rich history and evolution. 
New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
Celebrity Chef, Anis Nabilah and Professor Dr. Shahrim Karim, Professor of Malaysia Heritage Food and Culture at the Faculty of Food Science and Technology in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) showcasing their culinary expertise in preparing a delicious Laksa dish

Tracing its origins, Laksa is a dish deeply rooted in the Peranakan community, inspired by the heritage of the Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian cultures within Southeast Asia. 

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan

Professor Dr. Shahrim Karim shared that Laksa is truly Malaysia’s iconic dish that transcends cultures and regions – evolving into many variations that we know of and enjoy today – from the most common Curry Laksa to more innovative offerings such as the Assam Laksa, Sarawak Laksa, Nyonya Laksa and the Johor Laksa. “The soul of Laksa lies in its vibrant and aromatic flavours. A good Laksa is all about the balancing act between various ingredients with the constant stirring towards the ‘pecah minyak’ stage, which is vital for the perfect Laksa flavour that culminates in a true culinary delight,” he added. 

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food

The secret of making a good Laksa lies in its base. Hence, our new creation is carefully crafted with a blend of key aromatic ingredients, bunga kantan, daun kesum, galangal, along with fresh ingredients: onions, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, garlic and ginger, slowly cooked into a paste until ‘pecah minyak’ to deliver the distinctive flavour of the iconic Laksa dish whilst preserving its authentic recipe. Now we cab enjoy a great tasting Laksa Goreng – anytime, anywhere!

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan

MAGGI® continues to deliver high quality food choices for consumers who are seeking an easy-to-prepare, great tasting meal. The MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan noodles are made with 100% Australian wheat, which is a good source of protein and carbohydrates. From sourcing top-quality ingredients to stringent quality control, it is MAGGI®’s commitment to serve the best from its kitchen to consumers.

New MAGGI Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, Maggi Laksa Warisan, Maggi Malaysia, Maggi Goreng, Laksa Warisan, Laksa Goreng, Food
MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan

For more information about the MAGGI® Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan, please visit MAGGI® Malaysia Website, Facebook, and Instagram #MAGGIMiGoreng #LaksaWarisan


  1. Menariknya flavour baru ni, boleh la Nell grab this before travel nanti! boleh la buat rasa2 time jauh from home! Sure sedap Laksa Warisan flavour ni...

    1. Memang terpikat lah dengan this new flavour, my stock dah habis kena beli lagi

  2. Macam sedap je Maggi Mi Goreng Laksa Warisan baharu ni! Yaya memang suka laksa so memang tak sabar nak try hee

  3. wahh maggi dengan perasa baru.. nampak menarik dan rasa lebih autentik .. tak sabar nak cuba

  4. Laksa ni tak macam laksa biasa, ia dimasak dengan cara "goreng" yang memberikan keunikan pada tradisi Laksa Malaysia. Saya dah cuba, memang sedap gila! Setiap kali gigit, aroma bahan-bahan segarnya sangat terasa. Semuanya perfectly-balanced!


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