
Don't forget these! The Most Overlooked Moving Prep Tasks and How to Tackle Them

Moving may be both exhilarating and stressful. There are so many duties to remember, and it's easy to overlook a few keys moving prep tasks. In this blog post, we'll look at some of the most commonly forgotten jobs and offer advice on how to deal with them so that your move goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible.

Cleaning and Decluttering Your Home

Moving is a great opportunity to declutter and simplify your life. Before you pack up your belongings, take some time to go through each room and decide what you want to keep, donate, sell, or toss. Not only will this make your move easier and cheaper (since you'll have fewer items to move), but it will also make your new home feel less cluttered and more organized.

Why Cleaning and Decluttering is Important Before a Move

Cleaning and decluttering are required for several reasons. For starters, it assists you in inventorying your belongings and deciding what to keep and what to discard. Second, because there will be fewer materials to pack and transport, you will save time and money during the moving process. Finally, it can make your new home appear larger and more organized, lowering stress and making it easier to settle in.

Commonly overlooked cleaning tasks

While most individuals remember to clean their home before moving out, there are a few usually ignored tasks that can make a major difference in how clean and fresh your new home seems. Here are a few cleaning duties that are frequently overlooked:

Cleaning the oven: The oven is one of the most frequently used appliances in the kitchen, but it's also one of the most neglected when it comes to cleaning. Make sure to give your oven a good scrub before you move out, so you're not leaving behind a greasy, grimy mess for the next occupants.

Defrosting the freezer: If you're moving your refrigerator or freezer, it's important to defrost it before the move to avoid any water damage. Even if you're leaving the appliance behind, it's a good idea to defrost it so that it's clean and fresh for the next occupants.

Cleaning the carpets: Carpets can trap dust, dirt, and allergens, so it's important to give them a thorough cleaning before you move out. Consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional to do the job for you.

Tips for Decluttering Effectively

Decluttering can be a daunting task, but there are some tips and tricks you can use to make it easier and more effective. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Use the KonMari method: The KonMari method is a popular decluttering technique that involves sorting items by category (such as clothes, books, and papers) and only keeping items that "spark joy." This method can help decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

Donate unwanted items: Instead of throwing away items you no longer need, consider donating them to a local charity or thrift store. Not only will you be helping someone in need, but you'll also be reducing the amount of waste you produce.

Organize and pack items you're keeping: Once you've decided what to keep, make sure to organize and pack your items carefully. Use sturdy boxes, label everything clearly, and pack fragile items with plenty of padding.

Notifying Important Parties

Who to Notify Before a Move

Before moving to a new location, it is important to notify several parties to ensure a smooth transition. These parties may include:

Utilities: Contact your current utility providers and notify them of your upcoming move. This will ensure that your gas, electricity, water, and internet services are either disconnected or transferred to your new address.

Banks: Inform your bank or credit union of your move to ensure that your account details and statements are up-to-date. If necessary, update your mailing address for any debit or credit cards you may have.

Insurance Companies: Update your insurance providers with your new address. This includes health, auto, home, and any other type of insurance you may have.

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): If you own a vehicle, notify the DMV of your move and update your registration and driver's license information.

Commonly Overlooked Parties to notify

Aside from the usual suspects, there are several commonly overlooked parties that you may need to notify of your move. These include:

Gym Memberships: If you have a gym membership, make sure to cancel or transfer it to a location closer to your new home.

Magazine Subscriptions: Notify any magazine subscriptions you have to ensure that you continue receiving them at your new address.

Online Shopping Accounts: If you regularly order from online retailers, make sure to update your shipping address to avoid missed deliveries.

How to Notify Important Parties Effectively

Notifying important parties effectively can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run. Here are some effective ways to notify them:

Online Forms: Many companies offer online forms that you can fill out to change your address or update your information.

Phone Calls: If you prefer speaking to a representative, call the company's customer service hotline and inform them of your move.

Certified Mail: For important documents or legal notifications, sending certified mail with a return receipt requested can provide proof of delivery and ensure that the recipient receives the message.

Tips for Avoiding Service Interruptions or Missed Bills

To avoid any service interruptions or missed bills, here are some tips:

Notify parties as early as possible: Notify parties of your move at least two weeks in advance to ensure that your services are disconnected or transferred on time.

Keep a list: Make a list of all the important parties you need to notify and check them off as you go.

Forward your mail: Consider forwarding your mail to your new address for the first few months after your move to ensure that you don't miss any important documents or bills.

Preparing Your New Home

Moving into a new home can be exciting, but there are several important tasks that you should tackle before settling in. Here are some things you should consider:

Deep cleaning: Even if the previous owners cleaned before leaving, it's always a good idea to do a deep clean before moving your belongings into the home. This includes scrubbing the bathrooms and kitchen, vacuuming the carpets, and wiping down the walls and baseboards.

Changing the locks: For safety reasons, it's a good idea to change the locks on all the doors of your new home. You never know who might have a spare key.

Testing the smoke detectors: Make sure that all of the smoke detectors in your new home are in working order. Replace the batteries if necessary.

Locating the water shut-off valve: In case of an emergency, it's important to know where the water shut-off valve is located. This will allow you to quickly turn off the water in the event of a leak or other plumbing issue.

Packing a first-night box: Pack a box of essentials that you'll need for your first night in your new home. This should include things like toiletries, bedding, a change of clothes, and any medications you might need.

Arranging childcare or pet care: Moving can be stressful for both children and pets. Consider arranging for childcare or pet care on moving day to make the process smoother and less stressful.

By tackling these tasks before moving in, you'll be able to settle into your new home with ease and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Preparing Your Vehicle(s)

Preparing your vehicle(s) is an often-overlooked aspect of moving prep, but it's important to ensure that they are in good working order before the move. This includes checking the oil, tire pressure, and brakes, and making any necessary repairs or adjustments. Here are some commonly overlooked tasks to keep in mind:

Getting an oil change: If it's been a while since your last oil change, it's a good idea to get one before your move. This will ensure that your engine is running smoothly and efficiently, and it can help prevent any problems from arising during the long drive.

Checking tire pressure: Properly inflated tires can help improve gas mileage and handling, so be sure to check the pressure in all of your vehicle's tires. This is especially important if you're towing a trailer or carrying a heavy load, as low tire pressure can cause excess wear and tear on your tires.

Ensuring that your brakes are in good condition: Your brakes are essential for safe driving, so it's important to make sure that they are in good condition before your move. This includes checking the brake pads, rotors, and calipers, and making any necessary repairs or replacements.

Once your vehicle(s) are in good working order, it's important to pack them efficiently and safely for the move. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Using a roof rack: If you're driving a car or SUV, using a roof rack can help you maximize your cargo space. This is especially useful if you're moving a lot of bulky or awkwardly shaped items, like furniture or sporting equipment.

Organizing the trunk: If you're driving a smaller car or don't have a roof rack, it's important to make the most of the space you have. Organize the trunk of your car carefully, packing heavier items on the bottom and lighter items on top. Use packing cubes or bags to keep smaller items together and prevent them from rolling around during the drive.

Renting a car carrier: If you're moving long-distance or have a lot of items to transport, renting a car carrier can be a good option. This can be especially useful if you're moving across the country or have multiple vehicles to transport. Be sure to research your options carefully and choose a reputable company with good reviews.

Handling Important Documents

Moving can be a hectic and stressful time, but it's important to take care of your important documents throughout the process. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Which important documents to keep with you during the move: Some important documents, like passports, birth certificates, and medical records, should be kept with you during the move. Make sure to pack them in a secure, easily accessible location so you can access them quickly if needed.

Commonly overlooked documents: Other important documents, like insurance policies, tax returns, and car titles, are often overlooked during the moving process. Make a list of all the important documents you need to keep track of and make sure they are packed securely.

Tips for organizing and protecting important documents: Use a fireproof safe or lockbox to store important documents during the move. Make digital copies of important documents and store them on a password-protected device or in the cloud for added security.

How to safely transport important documents during the move: Keep important documents in a secure, waterproof container during the move. If you're transporting them in your car, keep them with you at all times or store them in a locked trunk. If you're shipping them, use a reputable shipping company and choose a shipping method with tracking and insurance.


Moving can be both an exciting and stressful time, and there are several tasks that people often overlook during the preparation process. Cleaning and decluttering your home before the move is essential, not only for minimizing the number of items you have to move but also for making your new home feel more organized and spacious. It's important to remember to notify important parties before moving, such as utilities, banks, and insurance companies, to avoid any service interruptions or missed bills. Lastly, preparing your vehicle(s) for the move is often overlooked, but it's crucial for ensuring a safe and smooth move. By keeping these commonly overlooked tasks in mind and following our tips, you can minimize the stress and make your move smoother and more organized.

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