
What to Do When Your Child Is Struggling in School

It is natural for children to struggle in school for a certain period. However, if this is regularly the case with your child, then you need to start paying more attention.

What to Do When Your Child Is Struggling in School
[image: unsplash by cdc]

Even if you’ve enrolled your kid in the best early learning centre, numerous reasons may be responsible for your child struggling in school. Some of them are listed below.

Why Your Child May Be Struggling in School


Stress can negatively affect your child's attention and motivation. A family situation like divorce, the death of a loved one, or relocation can be stressful, and all of these can harm your child's performance in school.

Loss of interest

Many students struggle due to a lack of comprehension of their lessons. Some subjects require you to understand the previous chapter or module before you can understand the next, and it goes on like that. So, if a child fails to understand a chapter and the rest of the class proceeds to the next one, the child will start to struggle. This might be the beginning of a more serious problem if not addressed early.

Physical Disability

Some children suffer from visual and auditory impairment. They have trouble seeing the board and hearing their teachers. A comprehensive examination by a pediatrician will be required before the child can be provided with the right tool to correct his or her disability.

Learning Disorder

Learning disabilities can be another reason. One out of five children suffers from a learning disability, which is equivalent to 20% of the population. The most common learning disorders are dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyspraxia. If your child suffers from one of these, they are likely to be bullied by their peers. This won't have a good impact on their studies.

Mental health issues

Mental health conditions like anxiety, social phobia, depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder( PTSD) can cause your child to struggle with his or her studies.

Signs That Your Child Is Struggling in School

Poor appetite for food

They have trouble sleeping

They don't want to talk about school.

They spend many hours on their homework

Prone to violence

A noticeable change in their behavior

What to Do When Your Child Struggles With Their Studies

Meet with their teachers

Teachers are your child's guide in school. They probably know what's going on with your child. Meet with them, discuss your concerns with them, and ask for their recommendations.

Visit professionals

A professional here may be a pediatrician who will conduct a thorough physical evaluation of your child's ears and sight. They will make the necessary recommendations.

An educational therapist and a psychologist may also need to determine if your child has a learning disability or requires mental health services. 

Organize a learning support 

Children learn differently. Present your child with different learning methods and observe them closely to see which one works best for them and stick with it.

Communicate openly

Let your child know that you're with them and that they are not alone in their struggle. Offer to help them with their homework when you see them struggling. 

With your encouragement and practical solutions, your child can overcome anything that is making them struggle with their studies.

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