
How to Stop a Pet From Ripping the Carpet and Rugs

Pet owners know that most of their furry friends don’t act out without good reason. If the dog underwent training, it has even less reason to act out; they know better. Nonetheless, sometimes pets decide to chew on things, including your home’s tapestries.

How to Stop a Pet From Ripping the Carpet and Rugs
[image: pexels by josh sorenson]

Let’s look at seven how to stop a pet from ripping the carpet and rugs tips.

1. Find Out the Cause

If your pets receive training and you keep up what they learned at home, it’s important to find out why they decided to damage the tapestries. 

Rugs with shagging, loose trim, or existing damage can become tempting for your furry friends. After all, although pets become members of your family, they remain animals. Animals have different instincts than most humans.

In addition, find out if the pet is experiencing separation anxiety. Dogs had the opportunity to hang out with their person during the lockdown. Most dogs want this type of attention.

When places of work and the economy opened back up in 2021, animal groups and medical professionals warned of separation anxiety for pets in a post-lockdown world. 

If the damage to your carpets and rugs is coming post-lockdown, find out if it’s anxiety-related.

When you invest in a high-end rug like those sold by Lawrence of La Brea, you want it to remain in good shape. 

2. Repair Damage Promptly

Pets are domesticated animals. However, they don’t lose their feral animal instincts completely. If something is tempting, they might go for it, even if they know that it's prohibited.

To stop a pet from ripping the tapestries, repair damage promptly. This removes the temptation. It also prevents the damage from becoming worse with traffic and time.

3. Clean Stains 

In addition, clean stains promptly too. Animal noses in the wild can sniff out food under a foot of snow and dirt. Domesticated animals do a good job sniffing things out too.

For example, lore has it that people used chihuahuas to catch mice and other vermin in between kitchen cabinets and under furniture. Their size helps them get into small places. Plus, their noses remain powerful at sniffing. 

If your pet can sniff out vermin and prey, they can sniff out food stains on the fibers of tapestries. Thus, they may chew on the spots and cause tears. 

4. Apply a Pet-Safe Deterring Spray

When your pet aggressively rips the tapestries and you haven’t found out why, consider employing a pet-safe deterring spray. It’s a short-term solution for a long-term problem.

One option is to mix a solution of water and vinegar at home. Pour it into a spray bottle and apply to the problem area. 

Another option is to head to your favorite retailer and pick up bitter apple spray

Professionals also encourage pet parents to use positive reinforcement instead of coercive methods. 

5. Try a Different Layout

In situations when you can’t change the carpet or rugs, try a different layout. Place furniture over the areas that tempt your pets. 

When they can’t reach their favorite spot, they may move on from it and onto a new toy. 

6. Groom Consistently

Some pets require professional grooming, especially nail trimming, frequently. Therefore, the damage caused to the flooring isn’t the pet’s fault. They just need their nails cut and smoothed more often.

Indoor dogs don’t walk on concrete very often. Thus, they don’t trim their nails naturally. Long nails will snag and rip the carpet and rugs. 

If you notice damage, check your pet’s nails. Then, schedule more grooming appointments. 

7. Pick a Different Rug

When your pet falls in love with playing with the tapestry, consider picking up a different style. Although they are beautiful, rugs with loose fibers, accents, and features attract attention in unwanted ways. 

Pets see them as toys.

In addition, consider opting for durable materials such as wool. Even in the best circumstances, a silk rug is not likely to survive human traffic or attention from pets.


A pet that rips carpeting and rugs might do so as a cry for help or attention. Therefore, find out if something is bothering your furry friend. Then, apply some preventive measures to remove the temptation. Sometimes, it’s not the pet’s fault either. They simply need their nails professionally groomed more frequently. 

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