
How to Safeguard Your Home While Traveling

Your trip is booked, and your traveler’s insurance is purchased, but what about remembering to protect your other large assets before you board the plane? Look no further for our best tips and tricks on how to safeguard your home while traveling to your next exciting destination.

How to Safeguard Your Home While Traveling
[image: pexels by david mcbee]

Going out of town for any period time can leave your home vulnerable to crime and property damage. Arguably, your home is likely the most valuable asset you own, so it’s important to protect it while you’re away. Whether you’re considering selling your home for cash soon, or enjoying your property for years to come, you don’t want to leave it up to chance that your property is secure.

1) Add a professionally monitored security system. 

Not only do home security systems increase property value, but they also are a great way to discourage burglars from targeting your property. Selecting a system that is professionally monitored is a great idea, especially if you are traveling internationally frequently, as often data network coverage and phone alerts aren’t always reliable when you leave the United States.

2) Invest in a programmable or smart thermostat. 

It’s important that while you’re away your HVAC systems continue to run. If traveling during the winter months, you don’t want your pipes to freeze and cause a flood. Plus, you can easily schedule the time you’re going to arrive back home, so you kick on the heat or air conditioning to a more comfortable living temperature for when you arrive.

3) Add a smart lock to your exterior doors. 

People don't consider the need for locksmith services until something goes wrong. Securing your home is crucial, and innovative technology can make it easier. A smart lock allows you to unlock your doors remotely, which is handy if you’re having a neighbor or trusted friend check in on things while you’re away. No more keeping track of spare keys, which makes things safer and easier for you. Another tip to safeguarding your home while traveling is to never leave a spare key hidden outside of your home.

Other things to consider when securing your home before you jet set to your next fabulous destination include:

  • Clearing gutters and storm drains to ensure there is no flooding in the event of a rainstorm
  • Shut off your water main before leaving to make certain you won’t spring a leak
  • Keep valuables out of sight from windows
  • Simulate human presence with interior and exterior lighting on timers
  • Stop mail and newspaper deliveries
  • Hire help for lawn maintenance or snow removal
  • Unplug non-essential electronics and appliances to limit fire risk or damage in the event of a power surge
  • Be sure all home security devices are fully charged or plugged in
  • Do a double check before leaving that all windows and doors are securely locked
  • Keep a low profile on social media until your return home
  • Disconnect your garage door to ensure security

Keeping your home protected when traveling is an essential to having a great vacation with easy peace of mind. We hope you’ve found these tips helpful as you prepare for your next adventure getaway.

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