
Getting Dressed For The Outdoors: 6 Things To Consider

If you're thinking of venturing outdoors and spending some time walking or hiking, it's important that you dress properly for the conditions. In winter especially, the weather can turn very quickly and leave a new hiker stranded in clothing that isn't suitable for the elements.

Getting Dressed For The Outdoors: 6 Things To Consider
[image: pexels by cottonbro]

It's important to dress warmly no matter where you are—even in the summer, there's a good chance of showers or snowfall. When it comes to clothing for the outdoors, there are special considerations.

When choosing the gear, you should try to purchase items that are both versatile and suitable for cold and wet weather. You can always put on an extra sweater or layers of socks when the temperature falls outside your comfort range, but with bad weather gear like waterproofs and jackets, you're stuck with them throughout.

Considerations For Outdoors Clothing

First off, not all clothes are created equal when it comes to how they perform in wet or cold environments. The fit is one key factor that affects performance. It's important that the clothing fits properly so you can stay warm and dry. You want clothes that will keep out the wind, traps heat, and allow you to move freely. Here are some tips to consider when buying clothes:


When choosing the perfect outdoor hiking shoes, you should try them on with a pair of thick socks. Good shoes should have a good grip in mud, snow, and rain with thick soles and adequate ankle support.

Mid Layers

These are the top layers of warm clothing between your skin and your outer shell. It includes a fleece jacket, down jacket, or lightweight wool base layers women's sweater.

Outer Layers

The middle layer of your regular clothes can be worn over a thermal layer without the bulk of multiple layers. Some brands may use different terminology for this layer, but it's typically made up of a base layer, insulating layer, and a shell for waterproofing.

Base Layer

This is the next to the skin layer and helps quickly wick away body moisture so that it doesn't need to be warmed up by body heat before it gets cold, thus speeding up heat loss if you get damp or sweaty.

Outer Shell

This is the outermost layer of waterproof clothing. It repels moisture, blocks wind, and provides sun protection. Its design is critical to mobility and comfort.

Windproof Jacket

A Windproof Jacket or vest can also be worn alone or as an outer shell when hiking out in bad weather conditions. 

They are best worn over your jacket as a wind barrier so that no air penetrates your skin. It should also have a hood for extra protection against rain and snow.

What is the Best Way to Dress For Winter?

There are a variety of clothing options for different kinds of weather, but for winter, you should always have a waterproof layer

If you're incredibly bundled up and covered in multiple layers of warm clothes, you can become over-heated and have trouble walking. 

Be sure to wear several thin layers instead, with the option to add on or take off layers depending on how cold it is.

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