How To Prepare for Training Your Puppy

Training a puppy is not actually that complicated, but it can take a while to figure out how you should start. Not all puppy breeds are going to need the same things, and some of the simplest training measures might end up being the hardest to achieve, depending on your location.

How To Prepare for Training your Puppy
[image: pexels by zen chung]

However, before you can plan anything out, you need to know what you will be dealing with. The better you can prepare, the easier it becomes to move into more advanced training techniques in the future. For instance, you can purchase housebreaking pads at Scoochie Pet as they can be a helpful training assistance, particularly when your puppy is young and needs to go pee frequently.    

Potty Training

Potty training is always going to be important when it comes to a new puppy, especially if they have not had any previous owners and are still very young. Good puppy training involves making sure that they do their business in the right place and in the right way.

While it can seem easy to potty train a puppy, this is not always the case. Depending on how they have been brought up, it might take them a while to realize where they should and should not be going. This is especially true if you do not immediately try to potty-train them and let them go anywhere.

For a lot of dogs, the negative reinforcement of scolding them for pooping indoors will not actually work. While they might stop doing it, they will just be holding it in out of fear that you will shout again, so proper training and a good walk schedule can help a lot.

Social Interaction

When you are training a puppy, it is important to expose them to multiple people, as well as any dogs that are safe for your puppy to be around. This is important with older dogs, too – it prevents separation anxiety and allows them to develop social skills, as well as learn about boundaries.

While many people prefer to manage puppy training in private out of safety concerns – which are a valid thing to worry about – this can also lead to the puppy not having many social interactions. For the average dog, this might make it harder for them to engage with other animals in the future.

This is also a great way to learn how your dog reacts to certain things in a mostly controlled way. For example, do they chase after cats or simply look at them and maybe bark? You must know for these reasons best way to get my dog to stop barkingAre there certain kinds of dogs that they avoid? Knowing how they behave can make them easier to understand in the long term.


While many people are focused on the interactions, they have with their dog, and well as the commands that they might give a new puppy, it is a good idea to remember that there are multiple ways to communicate.

For example, you can use your training as a way to find out what your puppy responds to, making future puppy training a lot easier. This is especially useful if you are trying to rely on positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement, which is the recommended way to train puppies.

It might also give you a better understanding of how your puppy is trying to communicate back to you. The more time you spend with your dog, the easier it becomes to tell when it is hungry, thirsty, needing to relieve themselves, tired, or frustrated and anxious about something.


Most training is not just about training the dog, but about training the owner too. As you go through puppy training, you are going to be interacting with your pup on a deeper level, but you can’t directly communicate through spoken words. Understanding the signals that your puppy is giving you helps a lot.

For example, you might be able to tell when your puppy is annoyed, rather than just being tired. Some dogs might have specific sounds that they make or certain ways that they behave when they are feeling down, and distinguishing those from tiredness is important.

Like all animals, your puppy can send signals for almost anything: being hungry, needing sleep, wanting affection and attention, feeling sick, or effectively everything else. Training yourself to understand these signals is part of your unique relationship with your puppy and something that you should not neglect.

The better you understand your puppy, the easier it becomes to train them in specific ways or aim for specific results. If you can build up a personal connection to the puppy, then it is a lot simpler to know what they are trying to ask for or how they might be feeling. All of this is invaluable when training is involved.

Training Help

While training a puppy is fairly simple on paper, not everybody has the time or energy to dive directly into the hard parts. There can also be situations when you are genuinely stuck on what to do next or have no idea how to try and teach your puppy a certain set of behaviors.

If this happens, there is nothing wrong with asking for help. Outside sources of information and training, like the resources on this site, are a great way to deal with unexpected hurdles or areas that you are not really equipped to tackle just yet.

For example, you might not know how to begin working on training your puppy not to beg for food. With online puppy training advice or assistance, you can get a better idea of what will work but will not have to take your puppy to an unfamiliar place or deal with anybody in-person.


Always look for professional advice and check vet clinic locations if you are not sure where to go next, especially if it concerns your puppy's health. Training a puppy wrong by following misinformation and common myths can put them in danger or even make their behavior and obedience far worse.

It is much better to stick to expert sources, like the site mentioned above. While not all sites can answer every question, having an easy way to get advice or personalized assistance from experts and professionals is incredibly valuable, no matter your breed of puppy.

Keep in mind that all puppies are different, too. Their personalities and habits might pose certain challenges or make particular things easier, and it is up to you to build a connection that lets you work with your pup.

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