
3 Important Facts About Tobacco Harm Reduction

Hey! Are you a smoker, your loved ones or family members? Have you tried to quit smoking but you just can’t go through it, at the end you go back to your old habit. Fret not, you are not alone, you are not the only one who is struggling to quit. Hence, I would like to share the 3 Important Facts About Tobacco Harm Reduction and how Risk-Reducing Alternatives can help smokers who are unable to quit to reduce potential harms and risks. 

Tobacco Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction, Harm Awareness Association, Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021, Lifestyle
3 Important Facts About Tobacco Harm Reduction

2 years ago, my uncle passed away from lung cancer because of his excessive smoking habits since young age. Most of the smokers know that smoking is bad for themselves and also for the people around them. But why are they not able to quit? Why?

My uncle tried his best to quit smoking when he found out that my aunt is pregnant with their first baby. We saw him struggle but he failed to quit, he was so depressed, he went back to his old habit and smoke even more.

This incident made me understand and realized that not all smokers are able to quit. There is no point push them so hard at the end they just break down or give up. Hence, Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) is a better alternative and preventive to reduce the risks. By practicing THR efforts, alternatives can be sought after rather than leaving the smokers with no choice. 

Tobacco Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction, Harm Awareness Association, Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021, Lifestyle

What is Harm Reduction?

Well, the guiding principle of Harm Reduction believes in opening up avenues to alternatives that can help prevent or eradicate harm-inducing habits or activities that are essentials in order to build a better and healthier Malaysia.

Harm Reduction encompass a range of health and social practices, not limited to smoking, also include drug consumption, dietary and much more. This is in accordance to avoid stigma and to keep people alive whilst encouraging positive change in their lives.

What is Tobacco Harm Reduction?

Tobacco harm reduction believes that reducing the levels of harm from tobacco use among smokers is the priority because eliminating exposure to nicotine is not always achievable. Thus, the main objective of THR is to help smokers switch to less harmful alternatives.

3 Important Facts About Tobacco Harm Reduction 

Tobacco Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction, Harm Awareness Association, Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021, Lifestyle

Fact 1: Cigarettes is burning and releasing smoke is the biggest problem

Do you know what is the biggest problem of smoking? Well, we all know that smoking is harmful, but not all of us know that the biggest problem with smoking and cigarettes is burning.

The reason why burning is the biggest problem is because by burning cigarettes and tobacco, we will be creating and releasing the smoke that contains harmful chemicals that cause smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer. 

Fact 2: Misconception about nicotine

Many adults are still confused with the misconception that the culprit of smoking-related disease is nicotine, actually it is not. 

Tobacco Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction, Harm Awareness Association, Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021, Lifestyle

Fact 3: Many smokers are not informed that they do have an alternative 

This is so true, many smokers especially those in their 40’s, 50’s and above are not aware of cigarettes alternatives and there are less harmful way of consuming nicotine such as risk-reducing alternatives like e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products.

By understanding these 3 important facts from Harm Awareness Association Website, hopefully the smokers can have a better and healthier alternative to reduce the harm of smoking. Take a step at a time.

Harm Awareness Association

For your information, the Harm Awareness Association was established as an independent association that is at the forefront of reducing harm in every aspect of life. We exist to partner and champion consumers by providing them with ample information and make the public more informed about harm reduction initiatives.

Tobacco Harm Reduction, Harm Reduction, Harm Awareness Association, Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021, Lifestyle
Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021

By the way, you can also participate in Harm Reduction Editorial Contest 2021 and Amazing Cash Prizes Awaits You. This contest is dedicated to invite bloggers, writers, and content creators to enable better lifestyle choices through the principle of harm reduction. It also aims to provide society an opportunity to understand the harm reduction approach and how it could help us in building a better Malaysia

If you like to know more about Harm Reduction Awareness, please visit #TobaccoHarmReduction


  1. its a good choice for smoker to change it but for me better not to take either. Its much better.

    1. I agree, its better don't ever start smoking kan

  2. Oh wow..... this is good information sharing. And I like this program. I should share this with my friends who are planning to quit smoking. Thank you for sharing, Kelly.

  3. Ada pelbagai cara untuk berhenti merokok. Tapi yang paling utama, azam dan betul-betul tekad nak berhenti. Demi kesihatan diri sendiri dan orang yang disayangi.

  4. For me better stopped smoking is better.Quitting the smoking habit is difficult but it can be done if you have a high spirit.

  5. Many adults are still confused with the misconception that nicotine cause the disease, including me. Hahaha! Just know this fact.

  6. Thanks for sharing this is surely useful insights for smokers. Hopefully those who wants to quit can :)

  7. Bagus usaha untuk kurangkan merokok. Even banyak kempen dah buat masih ramai yang tidak sedar akan kesan hisap rokok. Usaha ini sangat membantu sikit banyak cara macam ini dapat kurangkan merokok. Bukan senang nak stop terus dari merokok kan. Boleh cuba slowly.

    1. Yes, bukan senang nak quit tapi kalau ada alternative yang boleh membantu maka lebih baik lah

  8. Everyone has a choice in their life and the same goes to smokers who can choose to try curb their nicotine addiction.

  9. Harm Reduction is good to educate smokers about the alternative way to get rid of smoke risks.

  10. Merokok ni memang susah nak berhenti. My brother ada try pastu end up merokok balik walaupun dia tau merokok tu bahaya.

  11. Merokok tiada faedahnya. Membawa lebih banyak keburukan kepda kesihatan dan alam sekitar. Semoga para perokok tegar cepat sedar dan ambil langkah untuk berhenti merokok.

  12. Harap usaha ini yang telah dilaksanakan dapat mengurangkan permasalahan merokok dlm masyrakat yg semakin berleluasa demi kesejahteraan dan kesihatan umumnya..

  13. nice sharing Kelly. Lets educate people through our blog writing and publish informative articles like this. Wah, there is also a contest for blogger. gonna join this

  14. Betul tu. Ramai smokers yang masih tak awars tentang alternatif yang boleh bantu kurangkan tabiat merokok mereka. Kita kena war2 kan info mcm ni lagi.

  15. Rupanya ada beza bila tembakau dalam roko dibakar atau jenis heating tobacco pad. Tau pasal ni sb gugel pasal IQOS.

  16. menarik segala info ni.. betul tobacco memberi banyak.kesan bahaya pd kesihatan badan

  17. Great initivative at least to can reduce the risk to the minimum kan! Better option which i should recommend to my family and friends too about this THR !

  18. Good to know about this THR initiative bah so that we can have a better smoke-free environment future for the generation to come kan... like me, i am affected as a second hand smoker bah... this is irreversible bah! will share this to my family and friends to protect their young ones..


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