
8 Oral Health Basics For Healthy Teeth And Gums

Looking after your oral health is a lifetime responsibility, but, sometimes, most people overlook it easily. As you get carried away with eating or drinking anything, you tend to forget how some of your habits can actually harm your oral health. Thus, establishing a dental hygiene routine is essential in promoting good oral health.   

To begin, here are eight oral health basics you must regularly practice to maintain healthy teeth and gums: 

Visit Your Dentist Regularly  

Your best partner toward attaining healthy teeth and gums is no other than your dentist. With the help of your trusted dentist, they can prevent potential oral issues before they even start or get worse. What’s more, if you’re looking to keep your teeth white and shiny, scheduling regular teeth-whitening treatments can also help you achieve that and prevent any plaque and tartar buildup. So, go and visit or any other dental clinic of your choice at least twice a year and let them help you keep your gums and teeth healthy.   

Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily 

Besides the help of your dentist, it’s also vital that you do your part in caring for your oral health. While brushing should normally be part of your oral health routine, your brushing efforts are, sometimes, wasted if not done correctly. Some people tend to think that the act of brushing for a minute or less is already good enough to keep up with their dental hygiene. But the truth is that brushing your teeth should be done twice a day—once in the morning and evening.  

Moreover, make sure you also brush your teeth for two minutes or longer when necessary. If you find it challenging to keep brushing for two minutes, find some ways to make it more motivating. For instance, you can play a two- or three-minute song, and wait for it to finish to signal that you can rinse. If you’re training your kids to brush, you can sing a song with them to keep them entertained. Lastly, remember to spend 30 seconds on every corner of your mouth (lower left side, lower right side, upper left side, upper right side). Brush in tiny circular motions, and don't miss your tongue, too.  

Remember To Floss Daily 

Some people tend to dismiss the idea of flossing daily because it can be time-consuming. Some may also think that brushing alone is enough. But the truth is that brushing and flossing should go hand in hand. Flossing allows you to clean the hard-to-reach corners of your mouth, which your toothbrush can’t clean. Food particles and other small deposits could get stuck between your teeth and cause tooth decay if not removed.  

If you’re worried about bleeding gums during flossing, it’s natural and will eventually stop once you get used to it. Moreover, you don’t need to floss three times a day. Doing it once every night before bedtime will suffice.  

Replace Your Toothbrush Every Three Months 

It’s also essential to replace your toothbrush every three to four months to ensure you’re using the proper tool for cleaning your teeth. Damaged toothbrushes wouldn’t be capable of cleaning your teeth and gums, which could only cause damage. Moreover, rinse your toothbrush and keep it dry to prevent molds from growing into it. 

Eat Healthily 

Your diet plays a vital role in promoting good oral health. As part of eating healthily, avoid eating sugary foods and drinks, which will only cause more bacteria to feast around your teeth. Instead, focus more on foods that’ll help strengthen your teeth, such as almonds, leafy greens, and yogurt. If you do eat or drink sugary products, make sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water to remove sugary and acidic deposits from your teeth.  

Use A Mouthwash 

Most people only use mouthwash to freshen their breaths. But, besides that, mouthwash can also reduce cavities from camping in your teeth. This is true especially for people who snore during their sleep. Snoring can cause a person to sleep with their mouths open, dry their mouth, and attract more bacteria. However, remember that mouthwash will never replace brushing and flossing.  

Quit Smoking 

Everyone knows how smoking is deadly for one’s overall health. But, aside from causing cancers and other deadly diseases, active smokers are also more prone to cavities, teeth problems, and gum diseases. If possible, try to minimize or, better yet, work on quitting this unhealthy habit for the rest of your life. Instead of smoking, you can resort to a healthier alternative, such as taking a walk or chewing a fruit whenever you feel the urge to light a cigarette again.  

Stay Hydrated 

Drinking more water isn’t only beneficial for your overall health, but it also promotes healthy saliva flow in your mouth. Your saliva works on keeping food particles at bay to prevent them from lodging between your teeth. Moreover, saliva also keeps your mouth moist, which, in turn, helps dilute acids from your mouth. 

Keeping these eight oral health basics will help maintain healthy gums and teeth. So, if you haven’t done one or more of these, start incorporating them into your dental hygiene routine now as it’s never too late to boost your oral health.  

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