
Gum Disease: Learn to Spot the Early Symptoms

Countless individuals suffer from gum disease yet remain completely unaware of the issue. This disease often comes with no noticeable symptoms, and many symptoms don't appear until the disease has progressed significantly. When the problem reaches this stage, dental professionals refer to it as periodontitis.

Gum Disease, Learn to Spot the Early Symptoms, Oral Health, Health
Gum Disease: Learn to Spot the Early Symptoms
[image: pexels by kindel media]

Sadly, many individuals don't know they need to care for their gums as much as their teeth. However, the gums play a critical role in a person's oral health and overall health. If gum disease remains untreated, the person may lose one or more teeth, and bone loss becomes a concern.

Pain isn't a symptom most people experience when they suffer from gum disease. This condition progresses much like high blood pressure. It creeps up on a person, and they remain completely unaware until problems develop. By then, the problem had reached critical mass.

Men and women need to watch for early warning signs that gum disease may be on the horizon. When caught early, the individual may be able to halt its progression. This remains of great importance, as approximately 50 percent of American adults now have this disease. Don't allow yourself to fall into this category. Rincon Dentistry can be of help in preserving your oral health and avoiding gum disease.

What is Gum Disease?

Periodontal or gum disease is an inflammation of the tissues responsible for supporting the teeth. This inflammation can lead to tooth loss in adults if left untreated. Gingivitis is the mild form of this disease and is caused by a bacterial infection. This infection brings about the buildup of tartar and plaque in the mouth. When this goes undetected, the disease progresses to chronic periodontitis. This is when the tissues sustained major damage and one or more teeth may be lost. 

Causes of Gum Disease

Food becomes trapped in the area between the teeth and gums in a human's mouth. Regular brushing and flossing help to remove these particles. If a person fails to properly brush and floss, however, the bacteria forms plaque. This plaque may harden and become tartar. If the plaque makes its way under the gum line, an infection develops. The gums turn red, swell, and may bleed. Individuals can reverse gingivitis with good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings and checkups.

If gingivitis remains unchecked, it develops into periodontitis. At this time, the gums separate from the teeth, and the resulting pockets become infected. The plaque continues to spread, breaking down the connective tissue and bone in the process. With treatment, the bone and connective tissue are restored and the teeth may be protected from an early loss.

Early Signs of Gum Disease

Gums that are swollen, sore, or bleeding indicate gum disease. The gums shouldn't bleed when you brush or floss. However, the plaque that builds up irritates the tissue, and this is what leads to swelling, soreness, and bleeding. It attacks healthy tissue in the mouth and may destroy the connective tissues. People might assume they should stop flossing if doing so makes their gums bleed. Actually, they need to floss more and do so thoroughly to remove any food particles and plaque before it turns into tartar. Regular checkups become of great help in removing any plaque and tartar that remain after brushing and flossing.

Receding Gums

Have you noticed your teeth look bigger than usual? Your teeth aren't growing. When you notice your teeth are getting longer, this is a sign your gums are receding as a result of gum disease. The tissue is being lost because of the infection, and the tooth root will be exposed. This puts the tooth more at risk of decay, which can lead to an infection or tooth loss. People often notice their teeth become more sensitive when their gums are receding, and their smile is less visually appealing. If treatment isn't obtained, the space between the gums and teeth becomes larger, and brushing and flossing may not be enough to halt the progression of the disease.

Tooth Sensitivity

As previously mentioned, receding gums lead to tooth sensitivity. Hot and cold drinks, ice, and cold air all make a person uncomfortable. This discomfort comes as a result of dentin hypersensitivity, which comes about when the tooth roots are exposed and the tooth enamel thins. The roots of the tooth have no enamel, so any gum loss makes them incredibly sensitive. Any sensation is easily felt because the dentin in a tooth contains tiny tunnels. The tunnels are used to transmit information to the nerves of the tooth. See a dentist right away to determine the cause of the sensitivity and find an appropriate treatment.

Bad Breath

Do you have bad breath that never goes away regardless of what you do? If mouthwash, breath mints, and regular brushing don't resolve the problem, your mouth may have excessive bacteria. This bacteria can lead to bad breath. However, it's only one cause of persistent bad breath. Tooth decay and gum disease serve as other possible culprits. The bacteria release gases with unpleasant smells. Visit the dentist to uncover the cause of the bad breath and develop a treatment plan to address it.

Gum Disease Risk Factors

Certain things put a person more at risk of gum disease. Smoking remains the biggest risk factor but it's not the only one. Individuals suffering from diabetes remain at risk of infection, and certain medications bring about dry mouth. The lack of saliva puts the individual at more risk of oral infections, including gum disease. Hormonal changes in females play a role in the development of gum disease, while certain illnesses make a person more susceptible to this condition.

Never neglect your oral health. Many people don't realize the effect periodontal disease has on the entire body. Quick action is needed if you suspect you have gingivitis or that it has already progressed to periodontitis. Prompt dental care can help to save the teeth and gums while preserving the smile you were born with. Furthermore, this care helps to prevent health problems that impact other parts of the body. Don't delay. Make an appointment for a checkup today.

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