
The One Thing Campaign by HABIB

In recent days, high number of Covid-19 positive cases are recorded in Malaysia although we are in the midst of the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) that was implemented since 1st June 2021. After 25 days of being cooped up at home, there are still approximately 5,000 cases recorded daily. HABIB urges Malaysians to focus on this ONE thing; to get vaccinated. 

The One Thing Campaign by HABIB, Dato’ Sri Meer Habib, Executive Chairman of HABIB Group, The One Thing Campaign, Habib Group, Lifestyle
The One Thing Campaign by HABIB

Malaysians have been urging the government on plans and indication on how we are moving forward. Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced the National Recovery Plan on the 15th of June 2021, a strategy to transition out of the Covid-19 crisis over 4 phases. In every phase, 3 conditions must be met in order to move into the next phase. One of the 3 conditions includes percentage of population vaccinated.

In countries such as the US and UK approximately 53.37% and 64.63% have been fully vaccinated respectively and are slowly opening up their borders. Life for them is slowly transitioning back to normal. They are already seeing declining numbers of new cases, hospitalizations, and even deaths, which has been attributed to mass vaccination programs across the country.

While the global vaccination rates are still relatively low, their success in bringing down the transmission of the disease following its vaccination program paves the way forward to further drive mass vaccination across the globe.

The current population of Malaysia is about 32.7 million. As of the 27th of June, 7.23 million vaccine doses have been administered and the breakdown is 5.2 million doses are first doses and 2.02 million doses are second doses. This means that 22.1% of the Malaysian population received their first dose and only 6.17% has already received their second dose.

On May 31 2021, YB Khairy Jamaluddin reported that the attendance rate among those registered for the vaccine is about 80% on average, which is one in five people. Malaysia still has a long way to achieve our target of getting 80% of the population vaccinated by the end of 2021. 

The One Thing Campaign by HABIB, Dato’ Sri Meer Habib, Executive Chairman of HABIB Group, The One Thing Campaign, Habib Group, Lifestyle
Dato’ Sri Meer Habib, Executive Chairman of HABIB Group

In line with this, HABIB launched The One Thing campaign to encourage Malaysians to register and then get the vaccine. Dato’ Sri Meer Habib, Executive Chairman of HABIB Group, said about the campaign, “The only way out of the Covid-19 crisis is for Malaysians to be vaccinated. All around the world, people want to be vaccinated. By doing so, we are not only adding that layer of protection for ourselves, but also for our family, friends and subsequently our community”. 

In ensuring its The One Thing campaign is rolled out successfully, a myriad of effort have been planned and executed by HABIB. Among others;

• One on one sessions with medical practitioners on the vaccines

• Assist others to register for vaccination on the MySejahtera application

• Share Vaccination Stories on social media such as Facebook and Instagram

HABIB has also registered via the SELangkah and Public-Private Partnership Covid-19 Industry Immunisation Programme (PIKAS) to speed up vaccination process across the organization. HABIB is committed in getting all our employees vaccinated latest by August. We believe these small efforts will help in driving vaccinations across the country and keep Covid-19 at bay for good,” concluded Dato’ Sri Meer.

HABIB’s The One Thing campaign will run across its social media platforms within the next several months, where the brand will continuously educate and engage audiences’ participation through educational content sharing as well as social media challenge.

For more information about The One Thing by HABIB, please visit HABIB Website, Facebook, and Instagram

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