
More Than RM30k Worth of Food Donated By Suria KLCC Group To Medical Frontliners

More than RM30,000 worth of food has been donated by the SuriaKLCC Group to the medical frontliners at hospitals in the Klang Valley. The donation is the third time that Suria KLCC Group is reaching out to frontliners in our public hospitals to bring some relief during the pandemic, and the selection of food and beverage items were carefully thought of to suit the unique requirements of personnel directly battling Covid-19.

Suria KLCC Group, Donation to Frontliners, Lifestyle
More Than RM30k Worth of Food Donated By Suria KLCC Group To Medical Frontliners
Ben Chong (second from left) presented the donation to Dr. Kuldip Kaur

“We understand that our frontliners face a host of constraints at the workplace, especially in a hospital setting. These include short break times, lack of space to sit down for a properly cooked meal, as well as the impracticality of having to remove the many layers of PPEs to eat and then to wear them again. Our donations will attempt to address these unique challenges at their workplace,” said Andrew Brien, CEO for Suria KLCC Sdn Bhd.

“It is this spirit to serve that we wish to honour in our small, but hopefully meaningful way,” added Brien, as the mall presented an assortment of tea-time snacks and drinks to Hospital Sungai Buloh on 3 March 2021.

The food delivered included packets of coffee, Milo, tea as well as assorment of biscuits and cup noodles worth RM15,000, all for the benefit of the 3,500 medical frontliners (doctors, nurses and support staff) of Hospital Sungai Buloh, one of the busiest hospitals at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19. The donation from Suria KLCC was presented by the mall’s General Manager, Ben Chong, to Dr. Kuldip Kaur, Director of Hospital Sungai Buloh.

Suria KLCC Group, Donation to Frontliners, Lifestyle
Ameer Thajudeen (right) presented the donation to Datuk Dr. Nora’i Mohd Said

Alamanda Shopping Centre on 11 February this year, Alamanda Shopping Centre, led by its General Manager, Ameer Thajudeen, presented RM10,000 worth of food supplies to Hospital Putrajaya, represented by its Director, Datuk Dr. Nora’i Mohd Said, to honour them for their sacrifices and dedication. This is the second time that Alamanda is donating food to this hospital. Last year, Alamanda contributed RM10,000 worth of food items to Hospital Putrajaya.

Brien said, “The Group will embrace the theme that was launched last year, ‘We Are With You’, whereby the group will continue in its ongoing efforts to support the country’s dedicated frontliners.

Even with the availability of vaccines, fighting the pandemic appears to be a rather long journey. In this, we want to affirm our belief in the commitment of our frontliners to walk the extra mile for the country, and our donation is but a token to say that we remember each and every one of you.”

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