Accidents don’t usually happen on the highway. But according to statistics, if an accident does occur on a US highway, it is more likely to be fatal. In most cases, one accident will also be the cause of another on the highway. US highways still experience pile-ups.
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7 Tips To Help Prevent Accidents On the Highway [ image: pexels by artyom kulakov ] |
Technology is another reason why accidents happen. In
2018 according to the NHTSA distracted driving claimed the lives of 2,841
people in the United States. Government authorities identified that almost 80%
of mobile owners still use their phones while driving. Let’s look at some of
the tried and tested advice to prevent accidents on highways.
1. Buckle Up
The seatbelt is standard equipment in all vehicles on the
highway. A majority of Americans use their seatbelts. But there is a huge
majority of American passengers who do not use their seatbelts at all.
In the event of a high-speed crash on a highway, the only thing physically between you and the next car is your seatbelt. There will be no need for any kind of car accident help without a seatbelt. The accident will be fatal.
2. Stop Using The Cell Phone
People have some of the latest technologies on their cell
phones. Some people connect their car stereo to their cell phones. Others use
their cell phones to make calls using their car speakers so that everyone can
hear. Some people even slow down while driving to use their cell phones to take
pictures of their geographical surroundings.
You cover the length of an entire football field in just
5 seconds if you are driving at a speed of 50 mph or more. It might be too late
to respond when you finally see the obstruction on the highway. Not only are
you risking your own life using a cell phone on the highway. You are also
endangering the lives of others. Wait to the next stop to safely use your cell
phone without any distractions.
3. Properly Entering and Exiting the Left Lane
The left lane is referred to the most different number of
names. It is also known as the express lane, fast lane, outside lane, or the
passing lane. Some people have the habit of constantly driving in the left
lane. We don’t know if they think that no one can drive faster than them or no
one should drive faster than them.
A car can be a driving hazard if it is constantly in the
left lane. Some states have laws against using the left lane without passing.
Use your indicators as you enter into the left lane. Also, indicate when you
are going back into the right lane.
Changing lanes without indicating can be extremely
dangerous for all the cars around you. It is especially important to use your
indicators in bad weather. You can easily get sued by a motorcycle accident attorney if you fail to use your indicators.
4. Keep a Safe Distance From the Next Vehicle
Maintain a safe distance between your car and the car in
front of you. The car in front of you might be driving slowly for a reason.
Trailing too closely just to rush them, can confuse the driver in front of you.
The driver might be able to see something you can’t.
There might be a truck driving in front of that car.
There is a good chance the driver might get confused and hit the brakes, after
seeing your car in the rear-view mirror. If that does happen you will have no
room to slow down your vehicle or bring the vehicle to a complete stop.
Consider the size of the vehicle in front of you. Leave a
space of three car-lengths between your car and the next car. This is a safe
5. Keep an Eye On Your Speed
So you are sitting there all by yourself in the car
driving on the highway. There is not much traffic on the road either. You think
to yourself I can get there faster and hit the accelerator. Just as you hit the
accelerator you risk your life and the lives of others.
According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics,
crashes because of speeding cost Americans $ 40.4 billion in 2019. This is the
financial loss, think of how many families lost the lives of their loved ones
due to speeding. The government posts speed limits on every highway. Try to
observe the speed limit posted or at least stay within a reasonably close
6. Be Thoughtful of Truck & Trailer Drivers
Sometimes you might have a truck driver in front of your
car, at other times they will be behind you. In both situations, it is
important to be thoughtful of the truck driver. A truck driver’s point-of-view
is different from the visibility of a car driver. If you are driving behind a
truck, the truck driver likely has no idea that you are there.
There is no harm in using your dipper or horn to let the
driver know you are back there. Similarly, a truck driver might not be able to
see you if you are driving too close in front of a truck. Do not hesitate to
use your horn if you are driving too close in front of a truck driver.
7. Do Not Drink & Drive
Do not drive on the highway if you have had a drink in
the last 6 hours. You may think that you are sober but there is no guaranteeing
how you will react under a pressure situation. One wrong move on the highway,
driving while you’re drunk and you might be on a stairway to heaven.
Consider letting someone else drive if you have had a
drink in the last 6 hours. A drunk driver is unable to judge distances
properly. Drunk drivers also tend to damage their vehicles because of the
impaired judgment. Think about getting Uber or Lyft, if there is no one to
substitute you as a driver.
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