
A Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音 Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way

This video is so touching, I watched it again and again, still tearing. Recently, I found a very meaningful video on youtube named, 遗忘的声音 or Forgotten Voice. It makes me wonder who will really take care of me when I’m old? Who will be there for me when I’m in pain? This is a must watch video and make sure you watch till the end.

A Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音 Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way

We all know that growing old is inevitable and as we aged our body will deteriorate too. It’s the cycle of life, one day everything will come to an end. In this video, I’ve learned is a blessing if we can find the person who really loves us for who we are, for better and for worst. There are always some people, and there are always things that will be forgotten, but there are some lingering voices deep in their hearts; this voice is called "caring".

I was so touched by the way the main actor takes care of his wife even though she has forgotten about him and most of the things due to her dementia.

Must Watch Video, Youtube,  遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way, Touching Video in Youtube, Family Oriented Video,  Lifestyle
Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice

Although she often caused mishap at home due to her clumsiness but he never raised his temper, so patience and caring.
Must Watch Video, Youtube,  遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way, Touching Video in Youtube, Family Oriented Video,  Lifestyle
Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice

Kudos to his excellent acting skills and the cinematography, he was able to bring out the emotion and make us feel the hardship that he had been going thorough. The climax of the story was when he almost breakdown after he injured himself on the way back from buying food for his son.

Must Watch Video, Youtube,  遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way, Touching Video in Youtube, Family Oriented Video,  Lifestyle
Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice


Then he started to flash back to the good old days of him and his loving wife. He felt comforted and contented then continue to take care of his wife.

Must Watch Video, Youtube,  遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice, A Little Caring Goes a Long Way, Touching Video in Youtube, Family Oriented Video,  Lifestyle
Must Watch Video: 遗忘的声音, Forgotten Voice


Remember one day all of us will grow old, a little compassion and caring go a long way… watch this video and you will know why. Watch at




  1. we all gonna get old some day. this video give a strong messages. thanks for sharing

  2. Good review, Kelly. Will search for the video on YouTube later. Reading your review of this video reminded me of Nicholas Sparks's novel - The Notebook. It's a love story about a couple growing old together until the end of their life.

  3. Aw, it sounds like a very moving video. Will definitely check it out.

  4. The wy you write it makes me so eager to watch this video.. should turn the story into a film right... must watch la.

  5. Alaa mesti cite sedih ni, nampak gambar jatuh ke jalan tu je dah tau camne sedihnya.. tapi nanti nak tengok laa.. boleh buat pengajaran buat kita sendiri..

  6. sedihnya...i suka tengok video macam ni terutama time nak perayaan tertentu...sangat meaningful

  7. The plot twist at the end! Worth watching it.. Alzheimer disease is something that we worried about kan... Worry when they cant recognize us at all..

  8. yes a must watch video..very touching ..iena dah la cengeng cepat menangis..memang sedih tengok

  9. Tak pernah tengok lagi video ni. Bagus video macam ni menerapkan nilai-nilai yang murni. Kalau Kelly kata sedih, for sure nanges

  10. The way you commented mase me want to watch the movie. They should nake it into a film like The Big Apple... good story!

  11. Baca review you pun dah rasa sedih. Susah nak jumpa orang yang betul2 boleh susah payah dengan kita sampai tua kan.

  12. tiap kali raya apa2 raya nk dekat, mesti banyak iklan main dengan emosi kan. ingatkan kite pada family

  13. what a beautiful and touching video. i cannot stop watching this again and again!


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