
Review: 6 Reasons Why I like BiO-LiFE reVitiz

Speaking about hair, well this subject that is important for both female and male self-esteem. Our hair is our crowning glory, our accessory, and it reflects on our health as well. I colored and styled so often, over time, my hair became dry, dull, and brittle. Thanks to BiO-LiFE, after consuming reVitiz for more than 3 months, now I can flip my luscious hair with confidence. Continue to read to know how and why.

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
Review: 6 Reasons Why I like BiO-LiFE® reVitiz


Well, three months ago, I attended BiO-LiFE® reVitiz online launch and picked-up some hair care tips plus how to strengthen and revitalize my hair from within. Since then, I have been taking reVitiz as my daily health supplement to improve my hair condition. 

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
BiO-LiFE® reVitiz 1 box consists of 30 capsules

Prior to taking reVitiz, my hair was dry, brittle, dull, and started showing symptoms of thinning. Sometimes my hair would be so frizzy and dull till I don’t know how to style it. I just wear my cap or hat when I go out. Every time I comb or brush my hair, I found hair strands stuck on the comb and brush. I became more scared when I washed my hair and see the amount of hair on my bathroom floor. I knew I had to  act on this to prevent the situation from becoming more severe.

reVitiz came at the right time to rescue my hair. Tadah! After 3 months, now my hair looks healthier, more shining, has more volume and is luscious.

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
6 Reasons Why I like BiO-LiFE® reVitiz

Here are the 6 Reasons Why I like BiO-LiFE® reVitiz

1. Safe to Consume

Safety is my priority. Before taking any supplements I will definitely conduct my research, check the product description and review (if any) thoroughly. These will give me the peace of mind. I’m sure you will agree with me on this point. BiO-LiFE® reVitiz (MAL 18096014NCR) is Halal certified.

2. Easy to Consume

Yes! it is very convenient only - once-a-day capsule and contains no added sugars, yeast, milk derivatives, gluten, preservatives, and artificial flavors. The capsule strip is convenient to store and also to carry with me when I balik kampung or when I am on Cuti-Cuti Malaysia vacation. 1 box consists of 30 capsules which is perfect for 1-month consumption.

3. Effective Formulation

This is the main reason I continue to consuming reVitiz for more than 3 months. Not only it helps to revitalize and strengthen my hair, it also helps in scalp care. BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, a health supplement, is a 4-in-1 formulation comprising essential nutrients. It comes with one of the highest sulphurated amino acid with L-Cysteine Hydrochloride, the building block for hair keratin to build strong healthy hair.

Vitamin B Complex (B3, B5, B6 and B7) and Vitamin C in BiO-LiFE® reVitiz nourishes the scalp to strengthen hair strands. The minerals combo of iron, zinc, and copper helps to improve hair nutrition and revitalize hair. Plus, the Horsetail Extract herb provides natural silica, naturally found in hair, and is the third most abundant trace element in the body to give hair shine.

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
Before Consuming BiO-LiFE® reVitiz

4. Strong, Smoother, & Shiny Hair

After consuming reVitiz for a month continuously, I began to see my hair become moisturised, stronger, and has less breakage. The dry and split end are lesser, hair strands are smoothers, and shiny or has the glossiness. Even my friends who hardly see me, and those I met after MCO also commented that my hair is more luscious now. Nowadays, after I comb or brush my hair I can only find one or two strands of hair stuck on the comb compared to before when it was like a chunk of it.

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
After Consuming BiO-LiFE® reVitiz

5. Hair Volumizing & Scalp Care

I love it as my hair now has more volume, grow faster, and overall it looks healthier. Sometimes I have flaky scalp due to the weather or stress, after consuming reVitiz it helps to control it and my scalp is healthier now. Before this, my center parting line was very obvious and there was less hair around it. Now, not any more. I can flip my luscious hair with confidence.

6. Stronger nails

Another thing that I discovered after consuming reVitiz for 3 months that my brittle nails are now stronger and grow faster. It could be the formulation because it contains L-Cysteine a type of keratin protein. 

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
Review: 6 Reasons Why I like BiO-LiFE® reVitiz


Overall, I love the efficacies and results. My hair is stronger, healthier, and more luscious than before. After consuming BiO-LiFE® reVitiz for 3 months it revitalized my hair strands from within.  If you have hair concerns like hair is thinning, brittle, dry, dull, and started to have premature grey hair, then I would recommend you to check and try it.

Availability: BiO-LiFE® reVitiz is available at all leading pharmacies nationwide including Aeon Wellness, Caring, Guardian, Watsons and other local pharmacies.

Price: BiO-LiFE reVitiz retails at RM 64.90 per pack of 30 capsules.

Beauty Review,  BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, Bio-Life reVitiz Review, Hair Supplement review, supplement review, hair care, Bio-Life supplement, health, beauty
BiO-LiFE® reVitiz Revitalize Hair Strands from Within

For more information about BiO-LiFE® reVitiz, please visit





  1. Rawlins pun dah start consuming this - and bestnya, my hair dah less gugur! I like! And I like your kaftan there Kelly

  2. i like it cause its capsule. easy to consume. good sharing. thanks for sharing

  3. wahhhh I also have the same problem with u Kelly, maybe I should consider eating this revitiz!

  4. banyak juga kebaikan bila consume bio life ni. menarik..harga pun boleh tahan..

  5. I think this product suits my hair type. But, whether this product can be used by everyone. I'll try, and hopefully the results are as expected. thank you for sharing

  6. woahhhhh-- i kagum dengan gambar before and after tu babe.. nampak ketara betul.. nanti nak try, i kan pakai tudung, banyak juga rambut gugur.. stress rasa..

  7. Trusted brand! Rasanya kita pun dah kena consume sebab sejak 40-an rambut dah mula gugur. Mungkin dah tak kuat, faktor usia jugak kot kann... Risau juga kalau tak buat apa-apa. Nak try laaa nanti

  8. first time tau tentang produk ni. nampak macam produk yang sangat bagus. bolehlah nnti saya cari produk ni dan guna untuk kegunaan sendiri. :)

  9. Sukalah baca! I nak carilah sebab buat masa ni memang i ada masaalah rambut..
    Thanks sangat share tau... Biolife juga antara produk kesihatan yang i ada makan..

  10. Wow u are sucha pretty lady kelly. Thanks ya for sharing this. Bcos me in the mean time also face same problem with my hair. InsyaAllah I'll give a try to this BioLife reVitiz soon. I want my rambut back to kuat, sihat dan lebat. Bless.

  11. Thank you for the review. I tak pernah dengar pasal bio life ni tapi maybe I should try consume juga since my hair pun dah tak berapa nak stay put sangat.

  12. Dem ... dah terasa sangat tak ada rambut ni. Adui, maybe i shud try this uh? Thanks Kelly ...

  13. Wow... When I saw volumized, that is exactly what I need for my hair... Need to check this out lor!

  14. Sounds like a really good product for those who want to remedy hair loss problem. Thanks for sharing this.

  15. Wow BiO-LiFE reVitiz really helps for good hair. Good for those who wants to get healthy hair

  16. Sapa afa problem rambut blhlah tray BiO-LiFE® reVitiz nii supaya rambut sihat kembali

  17. Produk Bio-LiFE yang rambut punya suplimen nampak best lah. I tak pernah consume vitamin khas utk rambut. Just ambil yang general aje. Nanti nak cari lah reVitiz ni. Hehehe. Kita cuba.

  18. Wow! This is interesting. Nampak beza before and after. Mcam nk try je.

  19. just bought a 1 month supply of this product. Let see what will happen after I consume it for three months

  20. I just bought it today. Hope it does its wonders on me.. looking forward for healthy hairs


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