
How To Setup IGLinks & Why It’s Useful for Influencer?

Hey! Are you an influencer? If yes, do you find it very troublesome when you have to change the “link in bio” on your Instagram constantly as you upload a new content. I feel you and I had the same issue as well until I found a solution and it’s FREE! Now I can even upload more than one links on our Instagram profile. Here is the solution! I’m going to share about my experience How To Setup IGLinks & Why It’s Useful for Influencer?

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
How To Setup IGLinks & Why It’s Useful for Influencer?


Well, you know as an influencer, I have to create content and update constantly on my platform such as Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter, you name it I got it. Then, I have this issue that bugged me when Instagram only allows one link in bio.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
Instagram only allows one link in bio

Sometimes there are more than one campaigns going on concurrently that require link placement on my Instagram account, or when there are more than one postings that I would like to highlight; then it’s an issue. What should I do? I am sure some of you face the same issue also, right.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle is the solution to multiple links on Instagram bio

Now no more hassle or issue with! It allows me to create a personalize page that houses all the important links that I wany to share with my audience on Instagram. In the nutshell, with IGLInks I can have multiple bio links from different platform for my Instagram account.

Be it from Instagram, TikTok, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other social media platforms you can name you can add then all into IGLinks, it’s the “One Link To Rule Them All”. It's FREE and unrestricted.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
How To Setup IGLinks Account?

Let’s get started!

How to set up your IGLinks account? I took less than 5 minutes to set IGLinks account, and the platform is very user-friendly.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
Start creating your IGLinks Account & Profile

1. Head over to

2. Click Create New Link

3. Start to add your social media links and information

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
Here is mine newly added contents

After I sign-up, I can start to customize my page by adding my own profile photo, title, description, contacts, and social media links. Everything is fully customized, except for the special themes which are only available for different package users.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
Here is my


I have added 2 content that I want to share today, such as safety tips for the solo female traveler and my beauty review. It's fast and straightforward where I can add my link, title, some description, and thumbnail too. Tadah! here is my

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
Its! Done in less than 5 minutes


Then I can copy and paste my IGLinks in my Instagram account. Now you can check out more that one links on my IG. Feel free to visit my

IGLinks is FREE for all, if you want more you can also opt for pro or upgraded version with the minimum payment. Whether you just want to use IGLinks for social media, or monitor the statistics behind it, you can choose from the packages available and subscribe to the one that suits your needs.

How To Setup IGLinks, Why It’s Useful for Influencer, IGLinks, Tips for Influencer, Influencer Tips, Instagram Tools, Instagram, Lifestyle
IGLinks Packages


Overall, I find IGLinks is very user-friendly and it’s like my digital business card where I can have all my social media platforms links plus the postings or information that I want to highlight or share all in one. Indeed, IGLinks is One Link To Rule Them All! Free feel free to try out IGLinks to improve your social media marketing and presence.

For more information about How To Setup IGLinks & Why It’s Useful for Influencer? please visit, IGLinks




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  1. thank you for this useful tips, i really need this kind of input.

  2. Tips yang bagus. Boleh la set semua ni nanti. Hehehe.

  3. It is cool you can add all your social media account in it. I should check it out too!

  4. good tips for all influencer. thanks for sharing

  5. Wahhh tips yang sangat berguna ni! Thanks Kelly sebab share pasal ni sebab kadang mmg x pandai nak set benda2 camni lengkap ada tutorial so senang la i

  6. wah menarik ni Kelly. nanti kejap lagi nak daftar jugak la. Thanks for sharing. memudahkan ni

  7. Ahah! Finally! Gracias for sharing this tip. Sharing will be no hassle after this guys. Bless.

  8. Ooo i baru tau, nanti i nak cuba buat gak le walaupun IG tu sendu aje hehehe..

  9. Thanks for the sharing kelly! It sure helpful for all of us!❤

  10. Wahhhh menarik nie. Tak pernah tahu pulak sebelum nie. Nanti i nak cuba jugaklah sbb memudahkan utk org lain access

  11. Info menarik ni. Boleh la cuba nanti.

  12. Thank you for sharing nti plan2 l buat ig npk mcm mudah jer buatnya

  13. wah !! terima kasih kelly untuk tips nya.. i tak pernah dengar pasal iglinks ni tapi nanti kejap lagi nak explore lah..

  14. Wahh, this is much more attractive compare to the one that I am currently using. Will try to explore more about this iglinks.. Thanks Kelly for sharing this great, useful tool.

  15. nice!! iza pernah dengar pasal iglinks ni tapi tak baca details. macam menarik je nak cuba ni. nanti boleh try la.

  16. Marsha pun dah buat yang foc punya. Macam nak upgrade je

  17. Nampak menarik je kan..
    Tapi kita ni takde apa sangat nak dikongsikan klau banyak acc. Hihi

  18. i belum register lagi iglinks..tengok menarik..sennag nak share links kat client..thanks sharing

  19. This article is awesome! Also, now has new themes, they are so prettyyyy!! Whoever is interested should check them out =)


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