
Going to the Beach? Here Are 8 Items You Need to Take With You

If you are going to the beach, you will want to bring a few things with you. Taking a trip to the sandy shore involves more than just driving and sitting in the sand, especially if you are bringing children with you.

1. Beach blanket

The sand can be hot and uncomfortable, so the number one item you should bring is a big beach blanket. Towels are useful, but they can quickly become covered with sand. Having a large space that you can keep sand-free will make the beach trip more enjoyable.

2. Sun canopy or umbrella

It can be hot at the beach, especially if you are in an area without shade. So, you should bring your own in the form of a canopy or beach umbrella. Don’t forget to bring weights to tie the canopy or umbrella down in case the wind picks up while you are enjoying yourself at the beach.

3. Entertainment

If you have children with you, you might consider bringing a portable DVD player, so they can have some down time under the canopy. You also might find it fun to watch a movie in the sand.

4. Cooler

Many beaches have small cafes or stores with food, but you are better off bringing your own food in a cooler. If you have a cooler with wheels and a handle, then you can tow it behind you rather than lifting it. If you use ice packs instead of ice, the inside of the cooler will stay neat and clean.

5. Waterproof shoes

Anyone who has walked on hot sand with bare feet will tell you how important it is to wear sandals or water shoes at the beach. The sun beating down on the sand can make the sand simply too hot to walk on, so you’ll want sandals or water shoes that will keep your feet protected if you walk to the water. The sandals should also be waterproof because you will want to wear them in the water to protect yourself from things that might be in the water that could hurt your feet.

6. Sunscreen

No one wants a sunburn, so you should always bring sunscreen to the beach. Even if you have a canopy or umbrella, you should wear at least SPF 15 sunscreen.

7. Games and Toys

If you have children with you, you will want to bring several games and toys that will keep them busy on the beach. Bring items like balls and digging toys. It is best to bring several toys, because children will become bored quickly. If you are going to the beach with adults, then you should consider bringing things like a baseball and gloves, footballs, frisbees, or other fun items.

8. Wagon

When you bring all of this to the beach, you will appreciate having a wagon to carry it all. Find one that you can fold up to put in your trunk, because all of the other items will take up a lot of space.

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