
Are You in Danger at Work? Watch Out for These Hidden Office Hazards and Injuries

When we think about someone getting injured at work, it's easy to picture someone falling from a ladder, someone getting hurt by a huge industrial machine or someone tripping over discarded tools on a construction site.

Hidden Office Hazards and Injuries, Work, Danger At Work, Office, Lifestyle
Are You in Danger at Work? Watch Out for These Hidden Office Hazards and Injuries

Thousands of accidents occur in the workplace every year, and while some vocations have obvious dangers and hazards, such as firefighters, loggers, and other industrial careers, it’s easy to forget that the humble office worker is also at risk of injury in the workplace.

Most companies have workers’ compensation in place to protect their employees from the cost of getting injured at work – click the link for more info from an Atlanta based workers compensation lawyer.

If more of us were aware of the hidden dangers lurking in our office spaces, fewer accidents would happen. So, with this theory in mind let's examine some hidden office hazards and potential injuries!

Poor lighting

Office lighting isn’t always easy to get right. Some complain it’s too bright and clinical, others wish there were more of it. However, it’s when office lighting is inadequate that accidents can happen. Not only does poor lighting mean that office workers are more likely to miss hazards and trip over them, but it can also cause all kinds of eye issues.

Poor lighting makes completing daily tasks difficult, combine this with brightly lit computer screens and additional glare and the result can play havoc with the eyes. This can lead to migraines, eye problems and even an increase in stress levels!

Heavy lifting

Believe it or not, office workers do their fair share of lifting and stacking. Whether it's moving heavy boxes and piles of paperwork, searching in the stationery cupboard, or moving their entire desk and computer set up to another part of the office.

When workers don’t use correct lifting techniques and health and safety is neglected in the workplace it can cause all kinds of health problems. Stress fractures, back and neck problems, and debilitating soft tissue damage.

Trip hazards

It's not just industrial work environments that are rife with potential trip hazards. Office spaces are also littered with potentially dangerous objects that could leave someone with a horrendous injury. Electrical cables and wiring across walkways, bags and coats that are on the floor, boxes, and other pieces of office equipment that haven't been put away properly. Issues with flooring can also cause trips and falls in the office.

Trips and falls often mean broken bones, sprains and fractures, or in some circumstances head and brain injuries are also possible.

And finally, wet floors

We’ve all seen health and safety videos of the unsuspecting worker slipping on a wet floor in the foyer. It’s easy to dismiss it, yet in offices up and down the country employees are still at risk of slipping on wet floors and seriously injuring themselves, especially in breakout and lunch areas. Wet floors around sinks and food preparation areas, rainwater and mud that is brought in on shoes and even leaking fridges and water coolers are all potential hazards! While learning to avoid these hazards is important, it’s also important to know what to do after a slip and fall accident.

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