
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Purification System

With the ever-changing settlement patterns in urban areas, tap water is increasingly becoming a concern for most families. Other than additional high chlorine content, tap water is prone to other contaminants such as lead, mainly if it is supplied in low-quality pipes. You also don't know when a leakage or sewer outburst might contaminate the whole supply, and before the authorities realize it, great harm will already have been done. In other words, you should get a gravity water filter today if you want to guarantee your family of pure, safe water via water filter dispenser.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Purification System
[ image: by daria shevtsova ]

Purified bottled water also provides an alternative solution, but they are not as effective as water filter installation in many ways. For instance, they are costly and even harmful to the environment since they will take about 1,000 years to decompose in landfills. So, why continue putting the earth in grave danger while there is a safe alternative?

Water filtration also has so many benefits that still play to your advantage. Other than keeping you safe, water filters also improve the taste of water. That will encourage water consumption in your household. Remember, the human body comprises at least 70% of water, and at no point should you compromise that percentage if you want to lead a healthy life?

In brief, water filters are indispensable in today’s life. But how do you ensure that you only buy the best? Well, here are some factors to consider when buying one:

• Price
The first thing that you should consider is the price. Water filtration systems can come in many types, ranging from under-sink filtration systems to water pitchers with varying costs. In as much as there are many cheap options outside there, you should still invest in a high-quality system built for durability and longevity. 

It is also important to note that the more advanced a system is, the more it will likely cost you in terms of initial cost, installation cost, and operational costs. However, that amount still doesn't equate what you would otherwise spend in water bottles. 

 Filter size and lifespan
The filter size will depend on how many people it will serve and how often it will be used. For instance, an office water filter system will not be in use most of the time, and so a smaller one will do. On the contrary, you may need a bigger system for house use because a large amount of water is definitely needed there.

• Type of treatment
Before settling on a water treatment system, it will be best to know the type of contaminants you are dealing with since different water filter systems target various contaminants. You can have the house water tested for contaminants to find out what your filtration needs are.

• Installation and operational costs
There is no need for buying “affordable” filter system only to be weighed down by expensive installation and maintenance costs. For instance, you should check if the filter requires professional installation or not. 

You should also take into account the number of cartridge filters that you’ll likely spend in a year. All the costs shouldn’t put you over budget because you’ll also pay for electricity if you opt for a conventional filter system.

However, we still recommend that you use professional installation so that you can minimize the chances of suffering repair costs because of unnecessary breakage. It would be best if you also learned basic water filter maintenance tips such as removing filters and carbon sediments so that your system can last for the longest time possible.

While most modern filter systems are compatible with a variety of plumbing systems and faucets, you still need to counter-check for compatibility before placing your order. It would also be best if you ordered the system together with all other supporting devices, especially if required for the optimum functioning of the filter system.

• Electricity supply
Lastly, you should also consider your electricity supply, especially if you get an electric-powered filter system. For instance, an ultraviolet (UV) filter will only work with electricity because it entirely depends on electric power for ultraviolet radiation to kill germs, bacteria, and other toxins. 

The above information should help you secure the right water purifier to match your needs and expectations. Let us stay alive and healthy by drinking purified water!

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