
7 Reasons Why I love Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato

Hey! During tough times where our life and health are at risk, we must step-up our health, immune system and personal hygiene. Well nourish our body with nutritious food, and lead a healthy lifestyle is my way forward. And one of my favorite healthy snacks or food is the Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI, Japanese Sweet Potato! How about you? Do you love sweet potato?

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
7 Reasons Why I love Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato

Fun Facts About Sweet Potatoes

Well, here are some fun facts about sweet potatoes. It actually originated from Central and South America and currently, there are over 400 strains grown all over the world. In fact, February is National Sweet Potato Month. The most common variety of sweet potatoes found in Malaysia are mildly sweet with orange or copper flesh.

Sweet potatoes are versatile and don’t have to be stored in the refrigerator. It can be added to our cooking, as dessert, snacks, or steam or bake or boil and eat as it is. They are found to be rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and have been named the ‘healthiest of all vegetables’ by The Center for Science in the Public Interest, an American non-profit watchdog and consumer advocacy group for safer and healthier food.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato

Tadah! Here is my favorite Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, a Japanese Sweet Potato variant, which is carefully cultivated in the warm regions of Ibaraki, Japan. Yakiimo means sweet potato in Japanese. This sweet potato is considered one of the most delicious and sweetest Yakiimo from Japan, not any ordinary sweet potatoes ya.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 is one of SECAI MARCHE fresh produces. SECAI MARCHE is a Farm-Fresh Platform to link farmers with enthusiastic chefs and consumers all over the world. They are currently located in Tokyo, Japan and Malaysia, and source ingredients from farms in Malaysia as well as in Japan.

With the mission to help build more economically viable and sustainable small-scale farms all over the world through improved access to good & delicious foods. SECAI MARCHE is a farmer-managed online marketplace for purchasing high-quality and tasty products.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
Why Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Sweet Potato is So Special?
Why Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Sweet Potato is So Special?

Well, these sweet potatoes are aged in a special temperature warehouse for over 3 months, before they are meticulously baked in a far-infrared oven, to optimize the taste and sweetness of the Yakiimo. During this aging process, no artificial additives are added.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
7 Reasons Why I love Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato
7 Reasons Why I love Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato!

1. Taste awesome ~ fluffy and sweet
Once you tasted Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI you will not like other sweet potatoes anymore. This is premium and as mentioned its one of the sweetest sweet potatoes in Japan. The sweetness is natural, and the potatoes are so soft and fluffy. Now, I feel like running to the supermarket and buy more, should have stock-up some at home.

2. Nutritious
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI is a good source of vitamins and minerals, in particular for Vitamin A in its raw form and once cooked, small variable changes in micronutrient density occur to include a higher content of vitamin C.

3. Versatile
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI is versatile, you can bake, boil, steam, or add in your dishes and desserts too.

4. Source of Protein
A high-quality source of protein with no saturated fats. It’s is good especially for those on a vegetarian diet. I prefer a plant-based protein.

5. Fuel Your Body
It’s a source of complex carb to help fuel your body. After eating Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI, I don’t feel hungry that fast and at the same time not bloated.

6. Low-Glycaemic Index (GI) Food
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI has high starch content but they are considered a low-glycaemic index (GI) food by the American Diabetes Association. This makes it a healthy food choice for diabetics patients.

7. Rich in Fiber
One Japanese sweet potato offers 4.6 grams of dietary fiber, which is the front-runner for keeping your digestive system healthy.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
You can get Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato at AEON Big Mid Valley and Jaya Grocer, Main Place

Well, I am sure by now you are excited to try out this Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 Japanese Sweet Potato, you can get it at AEON Big Mid Valley and Jaya Grocer, Main Place.

Good news! From now till 29th March, there is a promotion for Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 at AEON BIG Mid Valley Buy 1 packet Get 1 packet for FREE, and at JAYA GROCER Main Place, Buy 1 packet Get a Turn on the Spin-the-Wheel, you get free 1 packet if you win.

Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘, Japanese Sweet Potato, SECAI MARCHE, AEON, Big Mid Valley, Jaya Grocer, Main Place, Nutritious Snacks, Nutritious Food, Food
Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 is currently available at AEON Big Mid Valley and Jaya Grocer, Main Place

Availability: Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 is currently available at AEON Big Mid Valley and Jaya Grocer, Main Place.

Promotions: From now till 29th March, there is a promotion for Yakiimo BENI NAGOMI 極甘 at AEON BIG Mid Valley Buy 1 packet Get 1 packet for FREE, and at JAYA GROCER Main Place, Buy 1 packet Get a Turn on the Spin-the-Wheel, you get free 1 packet if you win.


  1. Wowww AEON ada ekk..i nak pergi beli laaa harini, sedap ni kalau rebus atau bakar, makan panas-panas...thanks Kelly..

    1. Yes, you are welcome, boleh beli kat AEON Mid Valley.

  2. Sweet Potato memang kegemaran saya. makan sweet potato je pun kenyang tahu.

    1. I love sweet potato too, its very nutritious and filling.

  3. Hi Sunshine Kelly, setelah sekian lama asyik pi mai pi mai at your IG, finally I visit your blog. Yeah, I love sweet potato too. They are yummy and healthy. Good for snacking.

  4. nampak pun sedap..i suka ubi macam ni..mesti lemak manis dan mengenyangkan

  5. Masa ke Jepun rajin jugak sis makan sweet potato ni, memang sedap. Masa balik kat sini..ada jugak nampak sweet potato ni, tapi nak buat sendiri malas..sedangkan senang je nak buatnya..hahaha

  6. Dah agak mesti kat Mid Valley. Selalu sis memang beli kat sana juga. Esok nak pergi belilah. Ramai orang beli pulak tu.

  7. Sedapnye yakiimo beni nagomi you makan tue. Nanti i nak cuba la cari yakiimo nie dekat aeon..thanks for sharing this kelly..

  8. I love this sweet potato but still on my pantang and maybe after 3months I can eat this again..kalau tak angin satu body cannot tahan..haha

    1. Oh baru tau pantang tak boleh makan sweet potato juga.

  9. gebusnya isi dia. sedap ni kalau makan panas-panas dengan kopi. auchhhh... terliur terus. boleh la cari nanti kat mid valley sebab i selalu gak ke sana

  10. Ohhhh ni rupanya. Selalu juga Ruby beli wseet potato di AEON tu. Sedap makan panas-panas.

  11. TB pun suka sweet potato.. Nyum2 memang mengenyangkan kalau makan ni je kan.. Sedap.. Dah lama tak makan.. Terasa nak mencadk sweet potato. Ni je

  12. I love sweet potato too. Love to eat it just like that or with kelapa parut. Should grab it someday after MCO is over

  13. bestnya saya suka sweet potato, sambil pekena dengan kopi panas2. bestnya

  14. Sweet potato memang sedap... manis, gebu dan berserat... semua jenis potatoes memang saya suka... ubi kentang ke ubi keledek ke ubi kayu... hehehehe... tak sangka pulak ada jual kat AEON... lepas MCO nanti boleh la recce...

  15. Saya memang suka sweet potato ni... manis, gebu dan berserat gitu... basically, semua jenis ubi la saya suka.. dari ubi kentang ke ubi keledek ke ubi kayu... tak sangka pula kat AEON ada jual... after RMO, will check it out... thanks for sharing ya Kelly...


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