
Get 50% Rebate with ForestONE App

Get 50% Rebate with ForestONE App

Hey don’t say sis Bojio! I love to share good news and good kangtao. Recently I heard that my friends are using this app that has many good discounts, rewards, and rebates. Hmmm… I kiasu! I also go download the app because with ForestONE App I can get up to 50% Rebate on Friday and 20% Rebate the whole month at KK SUPER MART! I’m going back to KK Super Mart to stock up more on this Friday, how about you?

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Get 50% Rebate with ForestONE App

In the nutshell, ForestONE is a cashless rewards program that rewards you as you spend using the app. At the same time, you can also earn rewards when you invite your friends to join your ForestONE community.

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
ForestONE is a Cashless Rewards Program that Rewards You as You Spend Using the App
ForestONE app is now available on App Store and Google Play for free. If you have not download the app, please do it as soon and possible before Friday so that you can enjoy 50% Rebate at KK SUPER MART! Please use my referral code zjqs15

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Download ForestONE app use my referral code【 zjqs15 】

Remember download ForestONE app, reload and head to any KK SUPER MART outlet on every Friday from 5PM - 8PM to enjoy 50% rebate! You can use the rebate instantly to spend AGAIN & AGAIN! Wahhh… so worth it right! Promotion valid for first RM10,000 worth of transactions during Flash Deal period only, so hurry!

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Use ForestONE App at KK SUPER MART every Friday from 5PM - 8PM & enjoy 50% rebate!

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Pay Using ForestONE App

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Just scan the QR Code and it's done! 

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Transaction successful!

If you miss out on the 50% rebate, you can still enjoy 20% rebate whole month at KK SUPER MART. Plus there is also 20% rebate happening at Uncle Don’s too, if you you’re planning to lepak, or makan there be sure to download ForestONE App first!

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
Hurry download ForestONE App using code【 zjqs15 】and enjoy 50% rebate at KK Super Mart
on Friday from 5pm – 8pm

Alright! Hope you have a great week ahead and hurry download ForestONE App using my code zjqs15

ForestOne, ForestOne App, KK Super Mart, KK Mart, 50% Rebate, Malaysia e Wallet, e Wallet, Top Rebate, Top Shopping Rebate, Mobile App, Lifestyle
ForestONE x KK Super Mart Rewards

For more information about ForestONE app, please visit


  1. Sekarang macam-macam apos ade bokeh guna.. Mudah dan dapat rewrd lagi.. Best giler

  2. Menarik ni.. Forestone ni apps kan.. Kat smua kedai ke available?

  3. Menarik nih ada promosi, boleh beli barang banyak-banyak time murah dan jimat betul tak

  4. CR baru tahu apps ni. Apps baru ke Kelly? Boleh la install ni. Kot2 terpergi Ke KK super mart kan.

  5. Yeayy! Today is Friday! Gonna download it now and use it at KK Mart later..hehehe

  6. Senang ada apps macam nie kan Kelly.. banyaknya diskaun.. bestnya..

  7. Wah rebat sampai half...menarik ni


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