
Foot Care: How To Treat Your Feet Right

Our feet take us to hundreds of places. Despite cramming them into shoes, and walking on hard surfaces, they are still the last thing we think about when it comes to caring for our bodies, which is quite unfair.

Foot Care, Foot Pain, Foot Massage, Health,
Foot Care: How To Treat Your Feet Right 

Our feet keep us up and about, taking us to work, sporting events, and parties! According to a recent study, most Americans do an average of 75,000 miles by the time they hit the age of 50.

However, conditions like foot pain, blisters, corns, and the like, foot problems can severely impact our quality of health and the overall quality of life, making you a lot more sedentary.

Put simply; our feet deserve a lot more care than we give them. Let's start with the basics and learn about proper hygiene and other lifestyle changes you need to make to support your feet as much as they do you.

Know Your Feet
The best way to take care of your feet is to know them. Set aside some time to inspect them daily, especially when you have been very active during the day for work or school. This practice helps you to be aware of any problem and prevent it early enough.

Look out for any blisters, cuts, sores, swelling, and any suspicious red areas that may start to crop up. One helpful indication may be how sensitive or rough the área is, which means it requires a little more attention. Also, check between your toes and nails for anything unusual.

Keeping your feet clean is one of the main things you should do to take care of them. Clean them every day with soap and water, then make sure you dry them off thoroughly. You can even use corn starch or powder between your toes if necessary. Using creams is an excellent idea too because it goes a long way in helping to soften places that tend to get rough (Heels, sole, etc.)

If you have had a blister or sore, try to protect it with a fresh bandage. Cut your nails weekly, and always wear clean socks. In case you have a foot problem, go to the doctor, and he can refer you to a good podiatrist who can solve your foot discomfort.

Let's Talk About Shoes
The right shoes can make walking or running an absolute breeze, while the wrong shoes can spell trouble for your feet. When buying shoes, ensure you get the right fit by getting your feet measured and getting the size that matches your larger foot. Furthermore, the best time to go shoe shopping is at the end of the day when your feet are at their biggest.

Keep this in mind - the right size of shoe is neither too tight or too big. Don't buy shoes thinking that you will grow into them or that they will stretch. Your shoes should be the exact size.

Try and wear shoes that have sufficient support, are comfortable enough, and fit well, and save the boots or heels for those special occasions - Your feet will thank you. Finally, we recommend you equip yourself with socks and try to find your perfect insole that can help keep your feet in a better position and more protected.

Another gem of advice – wear what you would in a real-life setting. When shopping for the best baseball cleats, for instance, try them out with the insoles or socks you would wear on game day, according to The Bat Nerd's Blog.

The Smell
Nobody likes to confess that their feet, at least once, have been the source of a pretty foul smell. It is relatively normal and happens to most of us. The feet sweat, and this creates a moist environment that allows the growth of bacteria. To get rid of the smell you can:
 Choose shoes that have a certain level of ventilation and have perforated insoles, for instance. Stay clear of synthetic shoes because your feet can't breathe in them.
 Wear clean acrylic socks that absorb and trap sweat.
 Do not wear the same shoes every – if possible, change shoes every day, or give your everyday pair enough time to breath.
 Practice good daily hygiene and always take care of your toenails.
●Finally, prevention is better than cure – treat your feet right from the onset, as opposed to waiting until an issue comes up.

In conclusion, foot health is less about how your feet look, and more about how they work. Because our feet are responsible for our physical, psychological, and social wellbeing, ensure you give them the treatment they deserve.

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