
5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in Writing

5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in Writing

In everyday life, creativity can be considered as the ability to find a way out of the situation, using improvised means, no matter how meager they are. More broadly, creativity is a non-stamped approach to solving problems, using non-trivial and witty ways. If we talk about writing, we can say that creativity is its constant companion. It implies a person's ability to generate new ideas that are different from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking. Sometimes, it is hard to keep being creative all the time, and people decide to apply to writing services with professional academic writers. Therefore, in this article, I will give you some tips on how to be creative and stay in the stream of new ideas all the time.

 Writing, writer, boost creativity, lifestyle
5 Ways to Boost Your Creativity in Writing
[ photo: pexels by judit peter ]

1. Keep a journal of ideas
This may be a very small notebook in which you will write something. There you can draw and paste pictures that inspire you and stimulate your writing. These can also be quotes, aphorisms, statements of someone about something, including your own. These may be phrases of your relatives or friends that amazed and inspired you.

Always keep your ideas journal close at hand. For example, keep it next to the bed. Sometimes you may think about something new just after you wake up. From time to time, you should review it, and there is a high probability that new ideas and thoughts will arise based on the materials that are there!

2. Freewriting
Simply take a piece of paper and start composing. In this way, your subconscious can give birth to different new ideas. The main idea of ​​freewriting is that the human mind keeps a lot of thoughts that are inaccessible to our ordinary consciousness.

The task of freewriting is to turn off the usual mental activity that makes us stagnate and let the inspiration and flow of creative and extraordinary ideas breakthrough. Freewriting is not just a way to transfer all your thoughts to paper. This technique is also useful because of the following:

It allows you to reach a new level of thinking and evaluate situations in the future;
It promotes concentration;
It helps to improve writing skills and find unusual solutions in difficult situations;
It gives you access to previously locked ideas;
It suggests extraordinary ways to achieve goals;
It helps to overcome natural laziness.
Freewriting disables the internal editor, which is the part of our psyche that controls our emotions and performs the function of a censor. It opens our ability to think outside the box.

3. Structuring
Write out a problem or task, and then begin to decompose it into its components. Often the solution to a whole problem comes by analogy or by hinting at a solution to one of its components. In this way, it is more likely that you will come up with something creative.

4. Study information on your topic
You can subscribe to publications, magazines, newspapers, literature, etc. on your topic. You can also find all the sites on your topic and study them. Immerse yourself deeper in something you want to write about, become a high professional in it, and you will be able to generate new ideas constantly!

5. Ask questions
Train your curiosity by asking questions about the origin, purpose, and the possible development of everything that falls into your field of vision. This method will help to be curious about your every new idea, so you will develop it more deeply.

Creativity is also manifested in the ability to use any recalled technique at any time. The main thing is the interest in life, curiosity, and confidence that there are always different ways to solve problems.

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