
5 Ways to Boost Baby's Language Development

5 Ways to Boost Baby's Language Development

Being a parent isn’t always easy: everyone knows that. Babies, toddlers, kids, and teenagers can be difficult to deal with, so many parents often find themselves questioning their own choices and methods, even though they’re often perfectly reasonable. Having a baby can sometimes be exhausting, especially when they’re old enough to pick up cues from their surroundings. Many moms and dads want their children to be smart and talkative, but unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go according to the plan. That’s why it’s important to invest time and effort so your baby will be able to develop verbal skills as early as possible. So, here are some tips that will boost your baby’s language development in a positive and encouraging manner:

parenting, baby development, baby talk, baby language, baby, how to, tips & tricks
5 Ways to Boost Baby's Language Development
[ photo: unsplash by the honest company ]

1. Talk to your child

Babies spend most of their time with their parents, so it’s important to be verbally engaging with your little one, even though they’re not talking yet. Next time when you’re with your baby, try to have a conversation by describing everything you’re about to do like a child can fully comprehend your words. 

Babies know when they’re being talked to, so that can also be very helpful in developing their language skills. Also, there’s no need to feel frustrated if your child isn’t talking back — sometimes they’re not ready yet to start talking, but actively encouraging their speaking and listening skills can be extremely helpful.

2. Be patient

By the time they’re 1, babies can already say simple words like “mama” or “dada”, so that’s the perfect opportunity to start speaking more to your child. At 18 months, they can already pronounce simple words such as “up”, “my” or “cookie”. Some babies can also link two words together and create basic sentences, but if your child isn’t on that level, don’t despair, since every child is different. 

That’s why it’s important to be patient and don’t get annoyed if you see that your child isn’t speaking the way they’re supposed to. Being patient and thoughtful is necessary because you don’t want your baby to pick up your negative emotions that can also slow down their development.

3. Encourage your kid to learn

Nowadays, it’s easy to pacify a child. Simply give them a tablet or a smartphone, and they’ll be well-behaved and occupied for hours. Even though it might seem like a practical solution, being exposed to technology at such an early age could have negative consequences on your child. 

Instead, take your time to spend time with your baby and encourage her to learn and be more curious. Instead of playing her a YouTube video, you can read to your baby and show her pictures in the book. 

Many children’s books are interactive and entertaining, and that can boost your child’s cognitive, language, and motor development. So, instead of resorting to the simplest and seemingly most convenient solutions, it’s better to actually make sure that your baby is learning to talk by doing useful things.

4. Be animated

Being lively and animated can be multi-beneficial to your little one since babies rely on visual stimuli to learn about the world. Use your hands and facial expressions, but also encourage your baby to do the same. Every time you’re outside, use your fingers to point at different objects and also help your child learn to pronounce words such as bench, dog, cat, and tree. Using your body to help your child learn can be useful for their personal development.

5. Don’t use baby talk

On the surface, baby talk is cute, especially as then adults have a chance to act like kids without consequences. Yet, baby talk can be detrimental to your baby’s language development because kids need to be shown the right way to pronounce and read new words. Using adult talk can help your child learn to understand on an adult level. Of course, using words appropriate for their age is a must, and also, don’t forget to use the right tone so your child won’t feel intimidated and discouraged to speak up.

Baby’s language development is crucial if you want your baby to be well-adjusted and smart, but in order to make it happen the right way, you also need to invest time and effort and spend some quality time with your baby. Reading, singing, playing various games that boost motor skills and having conversations can be of great help, so make sure to do that so your baby will grow into a well-balanced and intelligent child.

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