
Doing Your House Chores Without Damaging Your Skin - Here's How

Doing Your House Chores Without Damaging Your Skin - Here's How

There’s no way around it, the chores have to get done. Bummer, isn’t it? Cooking, cleaning, soaking, washing, and sorting is not something we generally enjoy doing. But, nonetheless, a well-maintained home doesn’t magically happen. It has its own value in our day-to-day lives and can also be a great teaching tool for children. We know what’s best for us and our home. We’ve all spent inordinate amounts of time going up and down the cleaning aisles of our local store looking for the best or most promising tools and soaps. But what we may not look at are the ingredients.

Doing Your House Chores Without Damaging Your Skin - Here's How
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Most household cleaning products are diluted versions of some seriously corrosive chemicals. Some are not diluted at all. Concentrated muriatic acid is a great example. You can get that stuff anywhere, and it can eat through your skin like feed in a chicken coop. With that in context, it’s probably best to keep you and your children safe. 

Here are some simple tips as to how:


Gloves are a no-brainer. Physical barriers are a classic means of protecting your skin. That’s why lab technicians (the people making your detergents) are mandated to wear personal protective equipment. Not doing so can have a lab shut down. 

It makes sense that the recipients of such products should do so as well. But classic dishwashing gloves themselves can be hotbeds for bacteria and whatever you introduce to the inside of it. If you’re going to use them, be sure to wash the inside as well and let them dry inside-out.

Skin-Safe Detergents

If you’re like many, and the tactile feel of work is a necessary element, you can find safer alternatives to common products. Thanks to consumer-driven design and people a lot smarter than us, we have access to the best laundry detergents for sensitive skin or any type of skin, for that matter. 

These are devoid of the harsh ingredients that have plagued weekend chore-warriors so long. In addition, if you’re someone that prefers to wash clothes manually, this is a perfect option for you. It’s a great thing to note that, more often than not, if it’s safe for your hands, it’s safer for the environment in general. All drains lead to the wild.

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The Finishing Touches

Another thing to keep in mind is your eyes and your nose. Goggles and a mask may seem a bit excessive. But more often than not, chemicals that can damage skin can also affect the mucosa of your nose and the layers of your cornea. 

Yes, like your skin, they can regenerate. But since all three organs (and every organ, for that matter) are lined with the same type of epithelial layer, it really is best to keep from introducing harmful foreign substances to the layers beneath. 

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These are just a few examples of how you can protect your skin from the daily necessities for a clean house. They’re simple and straight to the point, and being aware of it can save you some potential nastiness down the line. 

Healthy skin is not just about one’s face. It is, after all, the largest and most exposed organ in the body. And nobody wants to have wrinkled, spotted hands before the age in which it’s commonplace. So now, with this simple knowledge at your disposal, you can throw on those old sneakers and bleach-blotted shirts. It’s time to get to work.

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