
Cellulite Buster with Exilis Ultra 360

Cellulite Buster with Exilis Ultra 360

Hey girls! Ewww… you got cellulite? Well, you are not alone, I have cellulite too and the most obvious parts are on my thighs. That why I shy away from wearing shorts and bikini. Recently, I was introduced to this non-invasive and innovative treatment called Exilis Ultra 360 to reduce the appearance of cellulite on my thighs.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
Cellulite Buster with Exilis Ultra 360

As you know my job requires me to work on my workstation for long hours, and that’s not so cool. There is nothing to be afraid of because almost 90% of women at some point during their lives have cellulites, even women who are otherwise slender and fit too. However, I noticed that the cellulite on my back thighs became more obvious and I should do something about it.

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Consultation with Dr. Tan at G Health Clinic before Exilis Ultra 360 Treatment

When a friend introduced me to try out the Exilis Ultra 360, I did some research about the treatment. And then I went to G Health Clinic located at Menara HSC, Ampang for my treatment. I had a consultation session with Dr Tan and shared with her my concerns.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
What is Exilis Ultra 360?

What is Exilis Ultra 360?

Exilis Ultra 360 is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment and meets strict safety standards. This treatment combines radiofrequency and ultrasound to tighten skin and address body concerns.

It uses mono-polar radio frequency, which is delivered along with ultrasound technology. The combination of radiofrequency and ultrasound technology allows the radio frequency waves to effectively penetrate deep into the fat layer of your tissues.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
Body measurement and test before Exilis Ultra 360 Treatment

Then, the therapist lead me to a room to changed, did my measurements and some tests. After that we began the procedure, it only took about 15 minutes on each side. So all in, I spent about 1 hour at the clinic including the consultation, tests and treatment. That was fast right!

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
During Exilis Ultra360 Treatment
During the treatment, the therapist applies a cool mineral oil to the treatment area and the Exilis handpiece is smoothed over the skin. There was a bit of warm sensation followed by the cooling sensation. The embedded Energy Flow Control system ensures that the exact amount of energy is delivered during the treatment. After the treatment, there is no downtime.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
After 4 weeks of Exilis Ultra 360 Treatment

The first two treatments, I noticed there are redness and swelling, the redness fades within an hour and the swelling subsides after a day. The treatment protocol is once a week repeated up to 4 times in order to see the results.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
After 4 weeks of Exilis Ultra 360 Treatment

What I like about Exilis Ultra 360?

1. Comfort
Non-surgical, non-invasive and no-downtime treatment, the Exilis Ultra 360 is designed to stimulate your body’s own natural collagen production and elastin remodeling.

2. Effective
The 360 technology for lasting results. After the second treatment felt that my skin firmer and the flabby parts are not so obvious. After the 4th treatment, my skin looks more lifted and the cellulites are less visible. Overall my thighs are slimmer and smoother.

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
Exilis Ultra 360 can be used from head to toe

3. Fast
It only takes 15 minutes per session for each part. Therefore, I can do it during my lunch break.

4. Safety
The treatment is FDA approved and has real-time energy monitoring for safety

Cellulite Buster, Exilis Ultra 360, Slimming Review, Beauty, Exilis Ultra 360 Review, Cellulite,
Cellulite Buster with Exilis Ultra 360

Overall, my 4 weeks journey with Exilis Ultra 360 has been wonderful. My skin is tighter and smoother, plus I saw a reduction of 5 to 7cm on each thigh. Well, I believe that if I continue with these treatments I can see better results. Besides, Dr Tan also explained that to me that Exilis can be used to treat from head to toe such as face, neck, eye areas, stomach, arm, back and more.

For more information about Celulite Buster with Exilis Ultra 360, please visit BTL Website:


  1. Wah memang berkesan ya! I pun nak buang my cellulite! Geramnya dia susah nak hilang hahaha

  2. your skin looks tighter and smoother than before! Great Elixis can do from head to toe areas.

  3. Wanita memang tak lari dari selulit..lebih lagi pada yang oernah bersalin.. its wonderful entri Kelly..atleast after this tahu nak buat di mana untuk hilangkan my cellulite ..hehe

  4. Wahhh patut lah Kelly sentiasa nampak awet muda dan juga boleh bergaya ehehehe kita pun banyak juga Cellulite ni nak rawat juga boleh tak kira cantik macam Kelly hehehehe malu lah..

  5. Bestnye mcm2 boleh buat kat sini..patut la u nampk cantik..serius la boleh hilgkan selulit..i ada selulit nie..kalau u tgok pn msti u menangis..😂

  6. Cellulite is quite a scary thing. Especially for women. It is good to know that nowadays we can solve this issue easily and the result is very fast. I will recommend this treatment to my ladies friends who might need this treatment

  7. selulit ? Uishh Ruby pun tak suka. Rasa malu dan rendah diri.

    Nampak perubahan ketara pada Kelly lepas menggunakan rawatan Exilis Ultra 360 tu. Kulit nampak tegang dan boleh reduce 5-7cm setiap thigh

    Best betul buat treatment ni. Yang penting selamat, dan diluluskan oleh FDA

  8. Alamak. I pun kena jalani treatment ni la nampaknya. Malu la tahu ada selulit. Kulit jadi tak cantik. Hmm. Esok la i booking slot 😬

  9. my cellulite???
    do not ask la, kelly :) ha ha ha ha
    hate it.
    terbaik ni. a month treatment pun dah nampak hasil yg mantap.

  10. This cellulite treatment is highly recommended for women. Especially me hahaha. Sebab cellulite boleh buat kaum wanita rasa inferior tau!

  11. Kelly u ada selulit keeeee. I tengok u firm je. U kena teman i utk buang selulit k. hehehe

  12. Celulite mmg menakutkan bagi wanita. Kalau boleh i pun nak buang celulite tapo need to lose weight dulu la.. if not u cant see the result kan?..

  13. I should get this treatment as well. Since my pregnancy, my celulite is horrible. I hate looking at my body now. Tried so many products but it doesn't seem to be working. Really need to get treatment for this though.

  14. Wahh mmg bagus rawatan buang selulit nk...cepat dan berkesan...BC nk introducekan pada rakan2 yg mencari produk yg boleh hilangkan selulit...thanks for sharing..

  15. Kelly you mng dah slim n cantiktp jena jgk jaga badan agar tidak cpt naik n ada selulit

  16. i pun nak hilangkan selulit ni.. tapi first kena lose weight dulu baru boleh nampak perbezaan kan... tapi serius i adore your body shape.. sangat cantik.. rupanya inilah rahsianyaaaa

  17. Teringat masa lepas bersalin anak kedua..
    Dia punya naik selulit, wuuuuaaaaa, memang buat rasa nak menangis tu..
    Ingatkan senang nak turunkan berat badan,, makin naik, makin naik selulit la sana sini..

  18. wah.. bestnya dapat buat rawatan buang selulit.. yang ni mesti ramai wanita hadapi masalah ni kan kelly.. termasuklah yang kurus pun still ada selulity.. huwaa.. teringat dulu masa kurus pun TB ada selulit.. macam-macam usaha try nak buang selulit.. tak berjaya.. kih3.. mungkin kena buat rawatan exilis ultra 360 ni kot.. hehe


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