How to Get Rid of Split Ends

How to Get Rid of Split Ends 

Have you ever wished for long and luscious lengths of hair but split ends get in the way of achieving this? Split ends happen slowly and all over your head is filled with split ends. They are undetectable at first, and later you are caught up dealing with scraggly ends, dryness and also frizz. Split ends are brought about by the separation of the hair strand into fragments. Genetics play a vital role in the ability of the hair to grow without any breakage. The only possible way of getting rid of split ends is through spinning them off.  

There are also other steps that can be taken in order to reduce the risk for split ends and how to prevent them. Mostly, split ends can be recognized on the hair ends. This is due to old cells that are most likely to fray and can occur on any part of the strand. 

Having split ends is totally normal but when they occur in large amount and are left untreated, it is a major red flag. They not only make your hair aesthetically undesirable but also indicate that your hair is unhealthy and damaged. 

This problem can develop really quick hence resulting in severe hair breakage throughout your strands and brittleness in general. If your hair seems not to grow past a certain length, then possibly split ends might be a major problem.

You can get rid of split ends and help prevent them from cropping up since this is the best treatment. Always keep your hair hydrated, for split ends go hand-in-hand with dryness. Upon accomplishing this, you will be practicing how to keep your strands integrity maintained.  Some of these remedies that can help are: 

1. Getting regular trims

For every 6 to 8 months, regular trim is a deal. This helps in the prevention of your split ends from going up the shaft of your hair. Regular trimming helps in keeping your hair nourished and moisturized. It is always advisable that if you are used to peeling your split end apart, you should stop and visit a hairdresser instead. 

2. Nourishing your hair from the inside out

When it comes to the growing of shiny, long, and strong hair, nourishing yourself with food is of great importance. Regularly eating meals that contain a balanced diet. You must eat foods that are rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Biotin and folic acid have the ability for improvement of healthy and lengthy hair. These acids help in facilitating the production of red blood cells which empowers hair growth.

3. Use of heat protectant

Going without heat styling is considered as the best. Make sure that you use a heat protectant if you have to heat style your hair. If it is possible, always try to let your hair air dry before styling.

4. Use of right products

Washing your hair and using the right shampoos, conditioners and styling products can help in minimizing the problem of split ends. This should not be done frequently, but once in a while. Most hair products are made from toxic chemicals, harsh drying agents and other ingredients. These products can instead do you more harm.  

5. Embrace your natural texture

Embrace the natural texture of your hair as much as possible. Too much of heat styling can lead to extreme dryness, split ends and worsening breakage. 

6. Avoid coloring your hair

Sticking to your natural color is always the best. If you plan to dye or bleach your hair, it is advisable to do it less often.  You can also try other natural coloring techniques such as balayage or even baby lights. 

7. Being gentle with your hair

When it comes to handling your hair, be gentle with it. Avoid brushing your hair right after getting out of the shower. Wet hair is highly susceptible to breakage. While in the shower, you should use a wide-tooth comb for removing tangles. This should be done starting at the bottom of your hair, slowly going upwards.

8. Condition your hair

Try using condition-shampoo-condition method especially if your hair feels brittle. This method of conditioning your hair helps in reinforcing and protecting the hair so as to have a better lock in moisture. Conditioning also has an added advantage of having shiny and soft hair.

9. At home treatment

A do-it-yourself coconut repairing mask procedure is of great importance. It helps in the repair of damaged hair and works perfectly with only two ingredients. Try and schedule a pamper night every week, for hair treatment.  Research shows that treating your hair with oil helps in getting rid of split ends.

10. Turn down the heat

Completely refrain from always cranking up the temperature on your hot tools. This is considered unnecessary since it can be damaging your hair.   

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