Accept These Imperfect Parts of Yourself to be More Confident

Accept These Imperfect Parts of Yourself to be More Confident

We are our own worst critics. You look in the mirror and focus on your imperfections instead of accepting how amazing you are as a person. It’s important for self-improvement that you identify your weaknesses and turn them into strengths, but when it comes to beauty, all you do is nitpick endlessly. Even if other people give you compliments, if you don’t accept yourself, you’ll never get that last ounce of confidence you need. 

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Curves (or Lack Thereof)

Women are the biggest victims of insecurity, especially when you compare yourself to the scores of perfect women you see on print ads and social media. Instead of being aspirational, these female role models are unattainable and become sources of self-doubt. 

Understand that behind those perfect smiles might be similar issues you’re facing, and celebrities are just as real and valid as you. Whether you’ve been blessed with a curvy figure or you simply do not have the chest size you want, there are ways to work around these for you to feel more confident. But enhancements should be just that--enhancements. First, you have to love your body in the shape or size it comes in.


Everyone wants the perfect eyebrows because it’s been the center of attention for the beauty world for quite some time now. Before, you needed to shave or pluck your eyebrows so they’ll be thin and shapely. 

Now, the trend is to have fuller brows because they’re more youthful. You’re filled with regret because eyebrows don’t grow back as quickly as you want them to. But there’s a quick fix in the form of eyebrow makeup online, which means there’s really no reason for you to hate yourself for your natural eyebrows. 

No matter what shape they come in naturally, you can improve their look using simple makeup and tools. Instead of being insecure, use your energy to learn how to get the eyebrows you want. This teaches you to care for yourself, identify what’s causing your self-hate, and find ways to grow out of it.


Either your lips are too thin or not thin enough. Everyone wants that perfect pout, but you think you just don’t have the perfectly shaped lips for it. But what you’re lacking in the lips department can be solved using lip liners. 

Learn to overline your lips to give it a fuller look, or use concealer if you want the illusion of thinner lips. Another point of insecurity for women is not being able to wear nude or red lips because popular lipstick shades simply don’t work for them. 

Banish this from your thoughts right now because there are hundreds of shades to choose from. The shade that’s most flattering for you is out there; you just haven’t found it yet.


Many, if not all, women are not satisfied with their nose. It sits in the middle of the face and it’s not something you can hide. Rather than hating your whole face because of your nose shape, learn how to contour it. 

That’s not enough, however. You’ll still see yourself without makeup, and you should love yourself barefaced, too. Instead of focusing on your nose, find other aspects of your face that you love and give your nose a little break from all the negativity.

There’s nothing wrong with any part of your body. Self-affirmation is important in tackling your biggest insecurities, so remember to love yourself.

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