Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives

Kumarakom, Kottayam: Village Life Experience thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives

A strolled through paddy fields, coconut grove, backyards, and quiet village life at Kumarakom, Kottayam district in Kerala was an enriching experience. Kumarakom is a village on Vembanad Lake in the backwaters of Kerala, southern India. It’s laced with canals, where houseboats ply the waters. Today I'm going to share about my Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives.

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives

From the moment we stepped in the village, we were greeted by lush greenery, friendly villagers and pristine waters on all sides. Our journey began in a country boat, proceed over a lake flanked by greens, to the Manjira village. Then followed by a warm welcome from villagers with cheers and flower garlands. 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
A strolled through paddy fields, coconut grove, backyards, and quiet village life at Kumarakom, Kottayam

Kumarakom Responsible Tourism Initiative

Responsible Tourism (RT) activities focus mainly on three areas – the economic, social, and environmental sustainability aspects of the destination. The ideal approach to tourism is that it should be an industry that acts as an instrument of socio-economic growth while minimizing the negative impacts on the environment. 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam 

RT generates greater economic benefits to local people and enhances the wellbeing of local communities at the same time makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage and maintenance of the world's diversity. 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam 

To meet these aims, the government follows the guidelines and the vision of Responsible Tourism, which “creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit’’.

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Hands-on experience in coir making 

What to Expect At Kumarakom Village Life Experience

The tour package 'Village Life Experience at Kumarakom' is a half-day tour package, an authentic and unforgettable experience of the village life behind the scenes in Kumarakom. 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Some had fun climbing the coconut trees the traditional way using a thalappu

I was fascinated by the process of coir making, at first it look quite easy but when I actually tried coir spinning, one certainly need skills to get the consistency. We also watched how toddy being tapped from a coconut tree closely and tasted the fresh toddy direct from the sap

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
How toddy being tapped from a coconut tree

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Fresh toddy direct from the sap

Some had fun climbing the coconut trees the traditional way using a thalappu and some learned how to weave coconut leaves into roof thatching. I love the quiet village life surrounded by lush greenery, villagers' laughter, backyard gardens, and paddy fields. 

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives

How & Where to Book Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom thru Responsible Tourism

It is also a fine example of an itinerary at Kumarajj linking the community-based tourism products and services, as envisaged by the Responsible Tourism program. A lot of locals take an active part in this package which costs RS. 1400.

Village Life Experience, Kumarakom, Kottayam, Kerala, Responsible Tourism, Kerala Blog Express, Human By Nature, Culture, India Village Life, Trave
The sunset view from one of Kumarakom Village 

For all types of experience, contact your el Desk at Kumarakom:
Tel: +91 481 2523097
E-mail : or

For more information about Village Life Experience @ Kumarakom, Kottayam thru Responsible Tourism Initiatives, please visit Kerala Tourism,
Facebook: @keralatourism


  1. This is such an interesting way to experience the local culture

  2. such a unique place... first time heard of this village.. nice experience with the villagers..

  3. I love the last shot of the sunset on the village - make it look so serene.
    Next time bring me too ok Kelly when you go abroad. I will assist in bringing your bags.

  4. Serius jarang tgk org travel ke india... Tringin nk tgk gaya kehidupan sana mcmna.. Tq sharing!

  5. Im sure u have an awesome village experience there. The activities looks great.

  6. Nice place..had to see other culture especially in the village like this

  7. Seronoknya you travel ke tempat orang. Boleh belajar cara hiudp mereka dan budaya mereka juga kan

  8. awhhh, it looks so amazing. I really love to travel and learn the culture of others. Next time don't forget to bring me along yea.. Hehe

  9. Bestnya dapat travel macam nie dapat tengok dan rasa pengalaman cara hidup yang berlainan kan..

  10. Whoa! your trip to Kerala was so interesting. I love the village life. You have a good experience there.

  11. Wah, tempat yang menarik kan. Dengan cuaca kampung itu indah

  12. Never heard about ths place before but i believe that you got so much experience here

  13. dekat sana tengok nampak macam susah ye..semua benda kebanyakan diaorang buat sendiri..syok tgk you pergi sana, dapat tau cara mereka

  14. Pertama kali tahu tentang tempat ni. Bagusnya Kelly dapat merasai kebudayaan dan cara hidup orang sana. Pemandangan yang cukup tenang kat sana. Suka tengok gambar² awak...!!

  15. Untung you dapat travel tempat orang Kelly. Boleh tahu dan kenal adat dan budaya orang India kan. Pemandangan di sana pun cantik cantik. Kalau i ada peluang pergi sana memang i pergi.

  16. Ohh wow its good to learn other culture. Kalau i pun i nak explore budaya org lain. Best dapat travel ke India

  17. seronoknye dpt jenjln tempat org kan..


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