
The Kinds of Vitamins & Minerals Needed in Diet Pills to Ensure Proper Health

Diet pills may seem like a miracle answer to anyone looking for a straight forward and effortless way to shed some pounds, but they can also lead to essential nutrients being missed due to a restricted diet. To maintain a good level of health while taking diet pills it’s important that you choose one which contains adequate levels of the right kinds of vitamins and minerals. 

You should read more about the top diet pills here. Not everybody is confident about what exactly to look for when shopping for diet pills, but the list below covers the kinds of vitamins and minerals to look out for.


These need to cover two distinct types of vitamins, fat soluble and water soluble.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

In food these are found in naturally fatty items such as butter, milk, yogurt, cheese, red meat, eggs, nuts and seeds, green leafy veg, and oily fish. They can be consumed every few days as the body stores any excess in reserve, so low levels in a daily diet pill will be fine.

Vitamin A [retinol] - for your immune system, vision, healthy skin.
Vitamin D - which controls calcium levels and strengthens bones, teeth and muscles.
Vitamin E – generated by sunlight on the skin. This is a powerful anti-oxidant and important to help protect cells from free-radicals which can cause damage to tissues.
Vitamin K  - essential for the body to produce prothrombin, which helps blood clot.

Water soluble vitamins

These cannot be stored as reserves so adequate levels must be either consumed or taken as supplements. They are most often found in various fruit and vegetables, dairy products, and grains. 

The best known of these are:

Vitamin C [ascorbic acid] is vital for healthy cells and tissue and to promote wound healing.

The B vitamins – there are several: B1 [thiamin], keeps the nervous system healthy and also helps other B vitamins work well; B2 [riboflavin], for healthy eyes, skin and nervous system; B3 [niacin], this is needed to get the most possible energy from food, but also again for skin and the nervous system; B6 [pyridoxine], god for circulation and get the best out of the protein and carb based food eaten; B7 [biotin], which helps break down fat, B12, which makes red blood cells amongst other things.

Folic acid [folate] works alongside vitamin B12 to create healthy red blood cells and reduce the risk of central nervous system damage.


These are essential for strong teeth and bones, and also help convert food into energy. The most crucial minerals we need include:

Calcium – for strong teeth and bones
Iron – needed to create red cells which take oxygen around the body
Potassium – essential for balancing bodily fluids and a healthy heart
Sulpher- a strong antioxidant
Silicon – for strong skin tissues
Magnesium – has many functions, including supporting nerves, muscles, and the immune system
Sodium – balances bodily fluids
Phosphorus- for strong bones and teeth
Beta-carotene – turned into vitamin A

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