
K for Koi Carp: Stephen Webster's Fish Tales Collection

K is my initial Kelly and according to Stephen Webster’s K is for Koi Carp. Every alphabet letter depicts a sea creature… so find out what’s yours? Drawing on a life-long fascination with marine life, Stephen Webster created ‘Fish Tales’ featuring 26 figurative charms in 18K yellow gold and diamonds. To accompany the collection, Stephen has written a short book inspired by his passion for the marine life and stories from the deep, which uncovers the mystery and magic of these aquatic creatures.

K for Koi Carp, Stephen Webster, Fish Tales Collection, Jewellery, Fashion, Marine Jewels
K for Koi Carp: Stephen Webster Fish Tales Collection 

Each chapter captures the trials, tribulations and characters of these seas creatures in a heart-warming and often humorous way that will appeal to adult and young alike. 

K for Koi Carp, Stephen Webster, Fish Tales Collection, Jewellery, Fashion, Marine Jewels
Stephen Webster's Fish Tales Collection featuring 26 figurative charms in 18K yellow gold and diamonds, each depicting a sea creature within a letter of the alphabet

K for Koi Carp, Stephen Webster, Fish Tales Collection, Jewellery, Fashion, Marine Jewels
Stephen Webster's Fish Tales collection is now available at Habib and is prices at RM4600 including the book

Stephen Webster's Fish Tales collection is now available at Habib and is prices at RM4600 including the book.  

K for Koi Carp, Stephen Webster, Fish Tales Collection, Jewellery, Fashion, Marine Jewels
Stephen Webster Jewelleries

K for Koi Carp, Stephen Webster, Fish Tales Collection, Jewellery, Fashion, Marine Jewels
Stephen Webster Jewelleries

Well, Stephen Webster MBE, British jewellery designer best known as founder of his eponymous jewellery brand.

For more information please visit Habib 
Facebook: @habibjewels
Instagram: @habibjewelsofficial


  1. Wow... Design baru dr habib jewel ke.. Cantik2lah.. Habib kalau keluarkan design xpernah mengecewakan kan.

  2. koleksi dari habib jewel memang cantik dan tak pernah mengecewakan. Kali ni dengan koleksi sea creature pula ya, serius cantik dan comel. bolehla cuci mata di habib jewel

  3. Alalaaaa.. Cantiknya..
    Orang perempuan ni kalau nampak barang perhiasa macam ni memang tak puas tengok.
    Mesti nak milikinya juga kan.

  4. Cantiknya..nak ajak suami singgah kat Habib laa sekejap lagi..nak tengok sendiri..kalau cantik nak minta suami belikan..

  5. So nice..agreed that the collection at HABIB is so wonderful..

  6. The jewelleries look so lovely. Wish to have one. Especially the blue bracelet. It looks exquisite !

  7. Canteknya jewellery kat sini. Unik dan nampak autentik. Kalau i ada duit membagbakan beli satu hehe

  8. kena menabung nih , tapi memang cantiklah semuanya...berkenan dengan bracelet tu...pernah beli sebentuk cincin jer barang kemas Habib itupun 16 tahun yang lepas ...hehehe


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