
Beauty Industry: Career Options You Need to Know Before You Start

Fashion is a sense that some are born with and some develop over time. Over the years your calibre might have permitted you to start a number of businesses, but the only thing that you were passionate about was ‘Beauty & Fashion’. You probably loved the power that comes with looking good or making people look great.

While in high school, subjects like statistics and Mathematics boggled my mind. But I took them up anyway because I thought they were ‘good for my career’ and would help me reach somewhere.

However, I could barely leave my passion to pursue a career in the beauty industry, and as days passed, a sense of cheating on my own soul grew within me. I eventually left what I loather doing and took up a course in English, something that would allow me to be the person I wanted to be.

You, on the other hand, are sure of what you want, and a proof for the same is the fact that you are reading this article. Having a passion for something is just 50% of any work done, and the rest is how you go about it.

If you are somebody who has the zest to enter the beauty industry but aren’t quite sure about the starting point and in need for a nudge, then this article is for you, where we are going to talk about several careers in this field.

Beauty Editor- Do you remember the iconic character of Miranda Priestly from the Movie The Devil Wears Prada?  Mind-blowing, wasn’t she? Yes, her job was that of the Beauty Editor in the fashion magazine, Runaway.

 Newspaper, magazines and beauty websites hire Beauty Editors to make a thorough enquiry into everything that is in vogue. They write about launches and styles that are in trend. Their work includes editing, writing and assigning fashion related articles which they publish in order for people to read and know more about the ongoing trend. A successful beauty editor can be very influential when it comes to forming public opinion in favour of or against a brand or a trend.

Course(s) suggest for this career - A major in English or Journalism

Makeup Artistry- If creating beauty with your own hands is something that gives you satisfaction, maybe you could opt for the career of a makeup artist. A makeup artist must have a love for travelling and a willingness to be around people. Patience is something a makeup artist must have in his or her formative years in which (s)he goes from good to better to best.

Suggested Course - Major in Cosmetology

Hair Artistry - A hairstyle can make or break a person’s look. It matters more than people think it does. If you love to experiment with various styles of hair, then this path might be the way to go for you. It involves styling various hair and requires a lot of patience.

Marketing - Marketing is an avenue which requires a massive amount of creativity. If you love beauty and fashion and have a knack for marketing, you could effectively fuse the two and work as a marketing strategist in a company concerned with beauty.

The key fob of marketers is to form strategies that would facilitate sales. They identify potential consumers, develop marketing strategies to turn the potential customers of a product into actual consumers by luring them with fresh ideas to buy a product or a service.

Suggested Courses - Degree in Marketing or Economics

Product Development- The Product Development team work in collaboration with the chemists and Research and Development team. They are involved with knowing the consumers better and creating a demand for their goods or services in the market. They conduct surveys to know what a group of consumer wants and then they develop products, keeping in mind the customer’s wants and needs.  Their work involves a fine blend of creativity and analysis.

Suggested courses - Degree in Chemistry, Finance or Marketing

Perfumer - If you have an acute sense of smell that is heightened than most around you, you can settle to become a perfumer. The job of a perfumer involves creating perfumes for various products such as shampoos, oils, antiperspirant and deodorants. A good perfumer creates perfumes that are liked by the majority. This cool career involves both science and creativity and has a lot of scopes as there are so many things to experiment with. This is the career for curious and creative souls.

Suggested course - Major in Chemistry

Public Relations/Events- Promoting brand image is one of the major things a beauty brand needs to do in order to survive in the market.  Beauty publicists work on all types of media to promote their brand, they are also involved in handling crisis situations. Beauty publicists plan events and hold conversations with the heads of other brands effectively for the benefit of their brand.

Suggested Courses - Journalism or Public Relations

Graphic Designer- If you are techy and love beauty and gadgets equally, then this is the career for you. Graphic designers are involved in designing banners of a company and edit pictures that go up on the site. They play a very important role in maintaining the look and feel of the website of a particular brand.

Suggested Course - Diploma or Degree in Graphic Designing

If you are sure about settling for this industry, we hope you have discovered some avenues for yourself in which you can find your own horizon. If you aren’t exactly sure of which particular career to settle for yet, don’t worry it is common. We all face some confusions at this crucial juncture of our lives.

You can do a thing, select a few career-paths that appeal the most to you and take up the related courses. See how it goes, but do not be hasty in forming a decision. Give each course a fair chance before you make up your mind in favor or against it. We hope this was helpful. Best of Luck!

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