
To Keto, or Not to Keto?

To Keto, or Not to Keto?

Embarking on healthy eating or weight loss regimen can be a minefield. There's so much information out there online! It can be hard to know which option is best for you when you're being bombarded with conflicting information about which diet regime is the one.

One diet that has seen a massive surge in interest over the last few years is the ketogenic, or ‘keto' diet. Due to its slightly unorthodox nature – it involves eating large amounts of fat – keto has occasionally been viewed as dangerous or unhealthy, but generally, the opposite is true.

But then, what is keto? Check out the site for in-depth info.

The Lowdown

Put simply, keto is a diet that's high in fat and protein, and low in carbohydrates. Think of the Atkins Diet, but slightly more refined. Eating fewer carbohydrates means the body must look elsewhere for energy, and it begins to burn fat and ketones.

Like most diets, keto isn't ‘one size fits all' and there are several versions to choose from. The standard version is usually 75% fat, 20% protein, and just 5% carbohydrates; that's around 50 grams of carbohydrates a day or a couple of potatoes in real terms. Many people choose to limit themselves to 20 grams per day to ensure they get into ketosis.

Ketosis is the process where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates; fat is converted to ketones, which are then used by the body as fuel. Ketones can even fuel the brain, which cannot be directly fuelled by fat – and is generally very hungry!

Studies have shown keto to provide numerous benefits, including lowered blood sugar and insulin levels. It can be an excellent option for anyone who is overweight, suffering from Type 2 diabetes, or struggling with their metabolic health. 

There are a few groups of people who should be careful of following a keto diet - those with pre-existing liver, kidney, or pancreas conditions, breastfeeding mothers, or those with Type 1 diabetes.

The diet also allows for a much higher protein intake than standard low-fat diets, so you can lose weight without having to feel hungry all the time! High protein intake and ketone levels also help to minimize muscle loss, which can occur during any standard diet.

Key Ingredients of a Keto Diet

What exactly should you be eating? Essential keto foods include:

Meat, poultry, seafood
Olive oil
Dark chocolate
Dairy with high-fat content (milk, cheese, cream)
Alliums (garlic, onion, leek)
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, cauliflower)
Nuts and seeds
Coconut oil

Don't worry, bread fans – you can introduce carbs back into your diet eventually! Once you've given your body a few months to adjust to keto, the occasional carb-heavy treat on special occasions is fine. 

Just make sure to hop back on the diet afterwards. As with any diet, keto will probably only work for you if you stick with it, and consistently maintain your recommended intakes.

As always, you should consult a doctor or physician before starting any new diet. Good luck. Check out more keto recipes here!

1 comment:

  1. currently I'm doing Intermittent Fasting
    don't have guts to do keto yet


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