
Tips for Getting Into Fitness Before the Holidays

Most people postpone getting into shape until the holidays are over, and may jump on the ‘new year, new me' bandwagon every year, only to be shocked they have gained even more weight in December that needs to be removed again in January. It can be a good idea to get ahead of the game and start building healthy habits in December as a means of damage control. This way, when the New Year comes around, you would have been more in control of your fitness and diet goals, and won't have as much to lose.

Even better, you would have already started to ingrain some of the healthy habits needed to get into shape. We've listed some of the best tips to help you get on the right track.

1. Focus on getting fitter, not more aesthetic.

For most people, making their body look better in the mirror is the goal. This often leads to lots of work on abs and then not eating very much. Unfortunately, this isn't a great long-term strategy. Instead, you should focus on getting more athletic. This means getting faster and stronger rather than just the areas of your body you want to ‘tone up.' Fitness goals are far more rewarding. As you get stronger and fitter, you'll naturally start to hit your aesthetic goals, too.

2. Use weights, HIIT, and protein.

The three big things that will help you reach your goals are above. Free weight training is by far the best way to build strength and muscle. Then, when complemented with sprints or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to burn the fat, and plenty of protein for recovery, you'll be on the right path to your goals.

3. Try not to compare yourself to others.

We all do it, especially in this social media age. But then, comparing yourself to others is a quick way to lose motivation. You're running your own race, and you got no idea what the person on Facebook or the treadmill next to you is going through. Keep your eye on your own progress. Celebrate small wins to help you from getting distracted watching others.  

4. Find a form of exercise you enjoy.

Compliance is key. For some, going to the gym may be filled with dread. For others, it may be the highlight of their day. When it comes to getting into shape, finding a workout you enjoy is the difference between going three times a week like you need to and not going at all. 

Try everything - go to the gym on your own, use the weights, and run or look at workout classes. It may be that you enjoy tennis or football. Doing something that makes you want to go and work out is going to be far better than forcing yourself to do an exercise that you hate. A good idea may be to work out at home using an app with audio workouts like Aaptiv.

5. Don't give up.

Relating to the last point, this is what will make or break you as you reach your goals. Giving up will only lead to one thing, but staying on the course and focusing on consistency will always win the day.

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