
Pedal Preparations: Everything That You Need to Know After Getting Your License

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Look After Your Car

The old stereotype of the man pulling over to help a young woman change her tyre has, unfortunately spread to involve most new drivers. If you don’t know how to change a tyre, check your oil, even top up the washing fluid for your windscreen wipers – learn. Ask someone or ask your mechanic when you take your car to the mechanic.

The more you know about your car, the better you’re going to be able to look after it and make sure if gets you through a number of years. And do make sure that you take your car to the mechanic at least twice a year – it might cost you a little up front, but it will save you money in the long run. Get in touch with a mechanic in Airport West, or get a recommendation from a friend for one they trust.

Safety is a big issue to think about just after getting your license, there’s no point denying that cars are dangerous. Almost every night on the news there are car crashes. There are that many cars on the road being driven by people in a range of moods, with a range of driving experience, and with varying capabilities.

You have to learn how to navigate through the roads full of these obstacles safely. When it comes to driving experience goes a long way – there are certain things that you will only learn over time and hours spent behind the wheel, but doing something like a defensive driving course can help you improve your reaction to tricky situations.
Know Your Limits

Everything takes time to move from being a beginner to proficiency – so don’t get out on the roads and act like Dick Johnson, know your limits. Remember what it was like riding a bike. Even once you were at a point where you were allowed to ride on your own down the street and you could get there and back again without falling off – it took a long time to get from that point to racing your friends. Not that you should ever race your friends in a car – but the same thing goes for driving.

It will take years of driving before you have the experience and time spent driving to be able to handle problematic situations like slippery wet roads, heavy rain, and bad drivers on the road. So, it’s important to be extra careful and not to take any risks when you are first starting out. Don’t ever rush, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to get where you are going, and don’t take any long trips on highways before you have a good amount of experience driving through suburban streets.

Know yourself, know your car, and take time to get where you are going. Look after your car, make sure you know how it works and what it needs when. Every other fill-up be sure to clean your windows, check your tyres and check your oil. Driving is an enjoyable thing to do and something that allows you that much more freedom with your time and a sense of command over your day, but it is a big responsibility. Keep safety first and enjoy getting behind the wheel!

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