
MAHA 2018 is Back! 9 Things You Need To Know About MAHA

MAHA 2018 Is Back! Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018 will be held soon at MAEPS, Serdang from 22nd November till 2nd December, 2018. MAHA is one of the largest expo in Malaysia that is organize by the Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry (MOA) two years once. This year MAHA 2018 is going to be more happening and also focus on “Segalanya Wanita” or “All About Women”. This will be a platform to empower women in entrepreneurship at the same time acknowledge their roles in agriculture and food industry. Here are the 9 Things You Need To Know About MAHA 2018, let’s check it out!

MAHA 2018 is Back! 9 Things You Need To Know About MAHA 2018

Recently, we were at the Pre-Launch Event of MAHA 2018 that was held at Pavilion Sarawak, MAEPS, Serdang. Yang Berhormat Dato' Sri Ahmad Shabery bin Cheek, Minster of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry was there with the VIPs to kicked start MAHA 2018. 

At the Pre-Launch Event of MAHA 2018 that was held at Pavilion Sarawak, MAEPS, Serdang
Yang Berhormat Dato' Sri Ahmad Shabery bin Cheek, Minster of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry

MAHA 2018 : Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018
Date: 22 November - 2nd December, 2018
Venue: MAEPS, Serdang 

MAHA 2018  Sponsors and Strategic Partners 

This year, the Ministry will continue with the theme “OUR FOOD, OUR FUTURE” but with the new addition and concept “Segalanya Wanita” or “All About Women”. This is one of the initiatives to by the MOA to support Tahun Memperkasakan Wanita (TMW18) Women Empowerment Year 2018.

My previous experience at MAHA 2016 was splendid and I had a great time exploring plus learning so many things about our country Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry. I am sure some of you had visited MAHA before and this is the event that you should not miss. 

We were at the Pre-Launch of MAHA 2018 : Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018

9 Things You Need To Know About MAHA 2018!

1. Segalanya Wanita

To materialize the concept “Segalanya Wanita”, MAHA 2018 is expecting about 50% participations from women and also will showcase a few women entrepreneur icon as inspiration.

MAHA 2018 Segalanya Wanita
9 Things You Need To Know About MAHA 2018

2. Target Sales & Visitors

MOA estimate the sale target for MAHA 2018 is about RM300 millions and more than 3.5 millions people will visit the expo this year, plus 30% will be youth. MAHA 2016 has attracted about 3.7 visitors and generated sales of more than RM400 millions. 

MAHA 2018 : Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018

3. Activities

The activities for MAHA 2018 will includes agriculture, fisheries, IT and technology, agro tourism, trading, culinary, funding and many more. 

MAHA 2018 : Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018

4. Shopping at MAHA

Some of MAHA attractions such as the sales agriculture material, popular dishes, and also agriculture products such as fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, fresh seafood and many more. 

5. Bookings

At the moment, 30% out of 1500 booths have been booked. 

6. 13 States' Pavilions

MAHA 2018 will has 13 states' pavilions that will showcase each state individual indentity, culture, food and specialties. Some of the pavilions with hands-on activities will also be there such as the fisheries, poultry, pineapple, rice, and many more. 

Road To MAHA 2018 

7. Road To MAHA 2018 

MOA has rolled out the Road To MAHA 2018 at three different states to kicked start the hype and reach out to more people. 

8. Sponsors and Strategic Partners

At this moment, there are about MAHA 2018 has 11 Sponsors and Strategic Partners such as Pertubuhan Peladang Kebangsaan (NAFAS), Agrobank, Persatuan Nelayan Kebangsaan (NEKMAT), Oblong Burger, Ramly Group, Sime Darby Plantation, QSR Brands (M) Holdings Sdn Bhd, Nestle Malaysia, Jamu Mak Dara, Carvello Tres Sdn Bhd, and MEPL. 

MAHA 2018 at MAEPS, Serdang from 22nd November till 2nd December, 2018

9. Mark Your Calendar

Remember to mark your calendar to visit MAHA 2018 from 22nd November till 2nd December, 2018. Tips try to go early and try to go on the first few days. Meantime, you can also visit the Road To MAHA 2018 locations at Lundu, Teluk Intan and Kemaman to have a feel of it before the grand expo happen in November. 

See you there!

For more information about MAHA 2018 and also Road To MAHA 2018 please visit MAHA 2018: Malaysia Agriculture, Horticulture and Agrotourism Show 2018


  1. I miss MAHA this year. Last year one was a blast too. Always love the activities that they had for visitor!

  2. Yeah..maha come back.. mesti best punya.. this year i nk pergi juga

  3. Mommy nampak Maha dalam gambar MAHA2018. Hehehehe. Wow 30% dah book. Lagi beberapa bulan MAHA2018. Boleh block date untuk ke sini hujung tahun nanti

  4. Wah! MAHA datang lagi ke? Tak sabar nak tunggu bulan 11 nanti. Pasti meriah seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

    Paling penting banyak produk hasil rakyat negara kita dipamerkan

  5. last pergi 2 tahun lepas 2016. memang seronok jalan jalan cari makan. tengok baka lembu besar.bukan selalu dapat tengok kan.. dapat juga banyak tester & sample. hehehe

  6. Looks great.... First time heard of Maha though!~ Now I know only the 9 things u shared.. lol

  7. This weekend will be road to maha in kemaman right? Sure got many interesting food will be sell..but i do look forward for the biggest event soon!

  8. Bestnya excited nak tunggu harap ada waktu la nak pergi nanti
    Jauh jugak ni

  9. I visit maha long time ago but not recently. I went there for variety of food they offer there.

  10. Tak pernah berpeluang ke maha.. asyik tgk org pergi je..hope next dpt pergi

  11. tak sabar nak tunggu maha kat serdang mesti lagi meriah kan...nak borong banyak2 barangan tempatan kali ini heheheh

  12. Whoaaaa maha is back. I’m so gonna go again this year, just like the year before

  13. MAHA 2018 ini eventx setiap tahun ke? Pengen banget ikut event ini. Pe asaran seperti apa sih? Hehehe...

  14. Sis pernahke MAHA 2 kali..memang best (cuma panas sikit..huhu). This year memang dah pikir nak pergi dan shopping macam2, mulai hari ni nak save duit sikit2..hehehe


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