
How To Make Mason Jar Lights?

Mason Jars are currently in trends, be it at home, restaurants or bars Mason jars are an easy and convenient way to decorate the interior. You can find professional-quality mason jars on the market to get your desired looking mason jar. Coming back to the making process, mason jars are incredibly simple to make given that you know the steps and pay a little bit of attention. This will give you a quick guide on how you can make your own mason jar and preserve your favorite snacks. However, if you don’t want the hassle of creating a mason jar for yourself and want a superb quality product, don’t worry. Just go to and you can get one at an affordable price.

How to Make Mason Jar Lights?

Choose your preferred jar-size

You can choose the size of the mason jar as per your requirements. The bigger the jar the better, because you can put a bigger light. If you don’t already have a mason jar you can easily get one in kitchen supply stores or online at a good price.

Once you have the jar, now the next thing

You need your DIY project is to find the perfect bulb. Suppose your jar size is 12-ounce, then your bulb should be at least 12-watts. Finding a bulb is of course not different but if you want it to be more eye-catchy, you can opt for a colored light. But don’t go for LED’s.

Buy a hanging light kit for your bulb

It will be easily available in your nearest retailer store. You should find the one that best fit your bulb. I’ll suggest buying the bulb and the pendant together so you can test it in the store and don’t need to scratch your head once you start making your mason jar. 

Clean and polish the jar, it is before you

Start making it so that you can start right away. Just open the cap and wash the jar with warm water and polish it with a clean cotton cloth.

If you think your needs to be more

Attractive, or you just want it to match your house’s interior, you can color it optionally using glue and food color. You can use Elmer’s glue or any other decoupage glue but make sure it dries clear and quickly.

Once you are ready to pull on the first gear, first, you need to build the light.

For that:

First, you have to separate the kit’s connector. You can see a round-shaped piece that basically holds the light. Take it off and your light kit will be divided into two pieces.

Take the end of your hanging light and trace it out on the lid.

Use a hammer and a compass or nail to punch a hole and then cut the lid using metal cutting scissors.

Put the light fixture into the lid’s hole and screw the connector back.

You can use super glue or clay to tighten your lid so that the light doesn’t come out of the mason jar.

Now connect your bulb in the light kit and find where to pull your jar. You can use hooks to hang your mason jar in the wall or ceiling.

Turn on the switch and your mason jar is ready to shine! If you do not have a direct connection call an electrician to install it for you unless you are an electrician.

Congratulations on your new mason jar. Now you can impress your friends with the eye catering look of mason jars that sizzles your house’s interior like no other. You can make it even better by gluing lace to the outside of the jar.

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