Creating a Five Star Bathroom in Your Own Home

One of the things I love about travel is that it gives you a chance to step out of your day to day life and live a little differently. There is nothing quite like treating yourself to a couple of nights in a luxury hotel to recharge your batteries and make you feel like a star. I really cannot get enough of that pampered feeling, and I know a lot of you feel the same way. So, you will enjoy this article, which is all about creating a similar ambience in your bathroom at home.

Creating a Five Star Bathroom in Your Own Home

A nice deep tub 

There really is nothing better than laying back and relaxing in a deep bathtub, especially if it has a Jacuzzi setting. It really is a great way to gently massage away the aches and pains of the day. Over the past few years, the cost of these kinds of bathtubs has dropped drastically. These days, there are plenty available from large retailers like Better Bathrooms, which is why they are now affordable for ordinary homeowners. 

Install a rain shower

If you prefer a shower, consider installing a rain shower head. It is a really easy job to do and does not cost much.

Luxury bathroom decor on a budget

High-end tiles make a huge difference to the way a bathroom looks. Fortunately, you do not have to spend a fortune to get that look. It is easy to find high-quality laminate and vinyl flooring like those from Flooring America Fort Walton that looks very much like marble or another type of luxury bathroom tiles. Plus it is also hassle free to clean and take care of the bathroom floor when you have top vacuum cleaner for laminate flooring

Add some artwork

Adding some artwork or a nice big luxury mirror is a great way to add a touch of class to your bathroom. Just be sure to make sure that the materials used can withstand being used in a damp environment.

Mood lights

In a bathroom lighting is important. Of course, you want there to be enough light so you can apply your makeup or have a shave. But, you also want soft lighting in the evening while you are enjoying a nice relaxing bath. The best option, by far is to install some form of dimmable lighting in your bathroom. That way you get the best of both worlds.

Fluffy towels

There really is nothing quite like getting out of a warm bath and being able to wrap yourself in a nice big, soft and fluffy towel. This simple guide will help you to buy yourself a set of luxury towels that are easy to care for and will still feel luxurious in a few years time.

A towel heater

It is also worth investing in a towel heater. That way your towels will be nice and warm when you get out of the bath. They look fantastic and are a great way to keep your bathroom warm during the colder months.

Luxury scents

Now you have set the scene it is time to add some extras. Using luxury skin products and bath bombs is a great way to pamper yourself. They can also be used for decorative effect.

If during your travels, you see a bathroom that you like remember to take a photo. That way you will be able to use it as a reference point.


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