
Cultural Experience at Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok

From Makassar we took a flight to Lombok, island in the West Nusa Tenggara Province (Nusa Tenggara Barat) located between Bali and Sumbawa islands in the eastern part of Indonesia. Lombok's people are an eclectic mix of religious and ethnic groups with the majority being the indigenous Sasak Muslims. To understand the culture and experience the way of living of the Sasak Tribes, we visited the Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Cultural Experience at Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok 

The Sade Traditional Village is located in Central Lombok, just off the road that connects Mataram city with the Southern Lombok. Many people believe that all the people living in Sade village are related by blood to each other since marrying inside the family is one of the old traditions that are still preserved by the Sasak Tribe.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism

We were welcome by the Sasak Tribe traditional music as we entered the village. Then we gathered at the foyer for to watch the Gendang Beleq dance, gendang means drum and beleq means big. 

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Tarian Petuk or Petuk Dance

Then the interesting Tarian Petuk / Petuk Dance performed by Sasak little dancers which is usually performed during the circumcision ceremony.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
The Sasak Sade villagers 

After that we went on to explore the village and experience the traditional lifestyle of Sasak Tribe. As you can see the Sasak villages are distinctively marked by grass-roofed-houses symmetrically constructed on wood frames and most with bamboo-walls.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Applying cow faeces on the floor

The roof made from alang-alang and the wall made from combinations of clay and cow faeces. For them, cow feaces have many functions for their live such as for cleaning the floor, washing and bathing.  I also witness a lady applying the cow faeces on the floor using her hand.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
The Sasak Sade children

The people in Sade Village specially the man must sleep outside the house under the stars in a lumbung or on a balcony outside the house. Only women and children will sleep inside. When a boy is 12 he must follow his father’s example. The Sasak Tribe has this tradition, if they have a daughter, they have to protect their daughter from being kidnaped. In Lombok Island, if a young man wants to marry a girl he must kidnap the girl first.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Traditional weaving or ikat-textiles 

Besides, visiting their traditional houses and living, we also experience the way they do the traditional weaving called ikat-textiles are increasingly popular among the tourists. I get a chance to try it too. Along the way there are many instagramable spots to take photos and also hand crafted souvenirs make by the locals.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism

We did enjoyed the traditional way of life of the villagers and also bought some unique souvenirs that the locals made. Although traditions in Lombok are heavily influenced by Balinese and Javanese however the the mixed culture of the Sasak Tribe is still unique and interesting to experience.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Local handmade souvenirs 

If you have more time, you can also opt to stay at one of the villagers’ houses and experience the everyday life. You will be able to taste the local food, learn the arts and crafts of the village, as well as enjoy the dances and other art performances performed by the villagers.

Cultural Experience, Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok, trip of wonders, wonderful indonesia, indonesia tourism
Cultural Experience at Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok

The Cultural Experience at Sasak Sade Traditional Village, Lombok was part of Day 4 Trip of Wonders, Wonderful Indonesia travel itinerary. For more information about #TripOfWonders and #WonderfulIndonesia, please visit Indonesia.Travel Website, Facebook Page and Instagram


  1. wow, beautiful pictures! wish i can take as good as you :D

    1. Isaac, you are a way better photographer than me. I am still learning to improve.

  2. Your travel pics lately all look amazing. My last trip to Lombok was quite enjoyable. Really liked the food there. I prefer the really locals parts. Did you go to Kuta?

  3. wow so many to choose from. got but souveior back?

  4. Awh what a fun experience Kels! The travel pictures look amazing and gosh the handmade souvenirs look so good! <3

  5. Lombok is a nice place. My ex colleague is from this pretty island.

  6. I love your pictures they are so awesome... I really hope I can get a chance to visit Lombok too....

  7. Haven't been to Lombok before, will bookmark this post for my travel reference :)


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