
Move As Young As You Feel Inside with Anlene MoveMax

Hey life is too short to stay stagnant, so get up and keep moving. I am a happy girl because I Move as Young As I Feel Inside. It’s all in our mind and of course we must feed our body with nutrients to stay healthy too. So here we were having lots of fun at the launch of Move As Young As You Feel Inside recently in conjunction with the new Anlene MoveMax™ introduction that includes Calcium, Collagen and Protein for the healthy bones, joints and muscles.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside with the new Anlene MoveMax 

Hey! I was surprised when Dato’ Sheila Majid making her entrance to her upbeat hit “Sinaran” during the launch gambit. As the spokesperson for the Move As Young As You Feel Inside movement, she clearly walk the talk.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Dato’ Sheila Majid, the spokesperson for Move As Young As You Feel Inside with the new Anlene MoveMax™

“I don’t let age to slow me down, instead I keep moving to slow down age,” said the stunning singer in her 50s that look way much younger than her actual age ~ truly inspiring.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Move As Young As You Feel Inside with the new Anlene MoveMax™ Launch

Here is the Launch of Anlene MoveMax™ and Move As Young As You Feel Inside Campaign by Dato’ Sheila Majid, the legendary singer; Mr Jose Miguel Porraz-Lando, Managing Director, Fonterra Brands Malaysia and Singapore; Mr Paulo Ocampo, Marketing Manager, Fonterra Brands Malaysia.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Anlene’s Bone Health Check

Have you done your Anlene’s Bone Health Check? If not yet, you should check it out during their roadshow to know about your bones health status. I am glad that during the event, there were 2 stations setup for the Bone Health Check. So I managed to get it done and know my overall mobility test and bones scan result.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Mobility assessment with simple stretching, balancing and exercise

It started with mobility assessment with simple stretching, balancing and exercise. Then bone health check followed by results presentation and consultation by the expert. Overall, I scored an average for my mobility test and low risk for my bone scan results.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Bone Health Check

Well as we age our musculoskeletal system make up of bones, joints and muscles will start to lose some of its functions. Bone will become fragile, cartilage and joints will lose resilience and muscles become less powerful.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Bone Health Check Results and Consultation

Actually, movement develops and maintains our muscles, connective tissues and bones, which in turn give good flexibility, posture, balance, stamina and strength which are all components of movement.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Healthy and delicious banana and mango smoothies with Anlene products

So let the fun begins… I like experiential launch event like this, where we get to participate in some of the fun activities, games and we were served with all the healthy and delicious food made from Anlene products too.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Anlene MoveCheck report card hehehe...

Haha!!! here is the Anlene MoveCheck report card, there were 3 challenges such as Tyre Swing, Arcade Dance and Trampoline. It’s time to find out how well we move. Let’s go and taste these youthful movements.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
the Trampoline challenge

By the way, do you know that Anlene was developed by the Malaysian team more than 20 years ago to address the raising concern on osteoporosis and calcium, deficiency amongst Asian consumers.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
the Arcade Dance challenge

Over the years through R&D, innovation and now we have the new Anlene formulation with MoveMax™ that contains important nutrients such as Calcium, Collagen, Protein, as well as other nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and Vitamins B, C, D & E in a nutrient bundle to help care for your bones, joints and muscles.

Move As Young As You Feel Inside, Anlene MoveMax, Anlene Move
Anlene MoveMax™ Products are now in available leading supermarkets nationwide 

Anlene MoveMax™ is now available in all leading supermarkets nationwide. It’s available in the powdered and yoghurt form. The powdered form comes in two flavours – plain and chocolate and is available in 1kg, 600g, and 175g packs. Anlene Movemax™ Yoghurt is available in 4 delicious variants: plain, mango, strawberry, and mixed berries.

Wootz! in conjunction with Mother’s Day there were surprises to all the mothers at the launch too and they received a special Anlene hampers. The best thing we can gift to our mother is good health, nutrition and the joy of youthful movement. Remember to keep moving as young as you feel inside and feed your body with good nutrition to maintain healthy bones, joints and muscles. There is no short cut, you can’t buy health, you must earn it. So start moving!

For more information about Move As Young As You Feel Inside with The New Anlene MoveMax™, please visit Anlene Malaysia Facebook Page and Website


  1. good to know this wanna inform my sis of this. i like their yogurt.

  2. good to know this wanna inform my sis of this. i like their yogurt.

  3. Wow they got new flavors? I used to drink their chocolate flavor. tastes good

  4. this is great stuff for our bone health.. I love the ready to drink and yogurt best... so delicious

  5. Oh didn't realise that they have yoghurt now. Looks delicious and healthy!

  6. weee woo weee woo... lets be as fit as fiddle, drink anlene!

  7. so much fun at the event! Yummy yoghurt and milk!

  8. Wow you look very happy la doing all that games. Good to know Anlene got collagen somemore. Healthy and pretty at the same time :D

  9. Ooh yoghurt. Nice.. Need to drink Anlene now. Must take care of bones..


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