
Giving The Needy A Second Chance In Life

“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity and responsibility to give something back by becoming more,” quoted the famous motivational speaker, Mr. Anthony Robbins. We were taught from a very young age, especially by our parents to help the less fortunate, so they in return can also have the chance to live life to the fullest, just like us. 

Giving The Needy A Second Chance In Life 

We are constantly reminded to be thankful as many of us have much more in life compared to the less fortunate. How do we reach out to help these people who need a helping hand? Are there avenues out there that we can get support from? 

Let me then share with you a story about a little angel who was blessed with a second chance in life. This story will definitely touch your heart and more. Get ready with a tissue box, readers! 

Clarissa Gan & family 

Clarissa Gan was barely three months old when her parents found out that she had a rare heart condition. She was admitted to Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur Hospital in early October of 2014 and was diagnosed with Anomalous Left Coronary Artery. Her condition originates from the main pulmonary artery (blood vessel to the lungs).

She underwent the surgery on 3rd October 2014 and required intensive care treatment. Her condition had to be monitored closely and she was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for almost three months.

Imagine what she had to go through… poor angel!

Her parents finally brought her home on 6th January 2015. She is a much healthier baby girl now and a joy to have around. She still has difficulty eating but her parents are taking one step at a time to help her adjust to daily life.

Just look at her and how adorable she is! We are indeed happy to hear that Clarissa is well and she has a bright future ahead of her. However, the medical cost would have caused them a fortune since she had a rare heart medical condition.

My dear readers, the truth is, her father is a mechanic and a sole breadwinner of the family. Her mother is a housewife and takes care of Clarissa who needs constant attention and care. They also have a five-year-old son. How did her parents afford the cost, you may ask?

Clarissa’s father had to seek help financially to ensure that his baby girl is well and healthy again. Thanking his lucky stars, the attending doctor advised him about the availability of a ‘Fund’, which could help him and his family.

The ‘Fund’ is none other than the Khazanah-IHH Healthcare Fund, which provides partial and fully sponsored medical treatment to needy patients in Malaysia, Singapore and Turkey. They applied for the Fund and received all the help they needed for their little angel’s surgery.

I can just imagine how happy they were to receive the help they needed and are today able to see their baby girl smile again.

The Fund has indeed changed lives for many like Clarissa. Launched on 3rd July 2012, the Fund is worth RM50 million and will be disbursed over a span of five years until 2017. It is fully funded by Khazanah Nasional Berhad via its listed healthcare arm, IHH Healthcare Berhad (IHH).

70% of the Fund amounting to RM 35 million has been allocated to help needy patients in Malaysia (the rest being disbursed in Turkey and Singapore with the same objective to help needy communities there). Through the Pantai and Gleneagles hospitals, the needy can receive treatments in areas such as  Ophthalmology, Cardiology (paediatric and adults), Orthopedic and General Surgery.     

Restoring Health, Changing Lives! That is what the 'Fund' believes in. It has reached over 1,000 needy patients in Malaysia and will reach even more this year.

It is wonderful to know that the Khazanah-IHH Healthcare Fund helps communities in need, especially for their medical condition and treatment and to give them a second chance in life.

This story put a smile on my face and I am sure it did for you too. Perhaps in our own little way, we too can go out there and do a good deed for someone in need.

For more information about the Khazanah-IHH Healthcare Fund, please visit their website at


  1. Such a touching story and i read about it earlier also somewhere, it is so difficult for both parents and baby to go through all this.

  2. It is indeed a very good cause that the fund is supporting. Needy parents will be benefited for sure.

  3. such a good effort from their side. Giving back to the needy has to be everyone's mantra in life.. make everyone happy

  4. What they did is very inspiring. Hope everyone having a great time and benefit out of this deed

  5. The little girl really adorable but she really strong in fighting with her life. Hope everyone can contribute to the society to help those that need it.

  6. i hope Clarissa is strong enough to grown older..:')

  7. I'm glad these companies set up these initiatives. There are many people out there who can't afford medical care especially for rare diseases

  8. Didn't know about this healthcare fund until I read your post, thanks for the info sharing :)

  9. Poor little angel !Hope the society will be helping this little girl !

  10. Will definitely save down this website! It's always good to make a difference in other people's life. We may not be rich but it is a blessing to give unto others who needs it more than we do at times. Bless this lil girl and the people behind this organization that helps the needy! Tq for sharing!

  11. Stay strong ya. Clarissa Gan & family .


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