
#The21DayMission Health and Fitness Program to Change Your Life

Hey! I am back and it’s time to shed those extra kilos that I gained during my trips and feasts. It’s time to cultivate a healthier lifestyle so I am going to Eat Well and Workout more to maximize my potential. Yes! it only takes 21 day to create a new habit or change an old one for a lifetime. It was a great morning to kick start with something healthy. We are here for Mission Foods Malaysia the world’s largest flatbread producer and makers of the well-known and loved Mission Wraps #The21DayMission launch. Its time to embark on the journey towards becoming stronger, fitter and healthier. If not now, when?

#The21DayMission Health and Fitness Program To Change Your Life

Recently Mission Foods Malaysia has team up with the Fitness Guru, Dave Nuku and celebrity Nutritionist, Alexandra Prabaharan to create an exciting yet simple to follow 21-Day programme called #The21DayMission. This coincides with World Health Month in April where there’s worldwide interest in leading better, healthier lifestyles.

The launch of #The21DayMission

Basically, the 21-Day Mission features daily fitness and recipe videos that are sent to subscribers. Subscription is free and can be done easily through the Mission Foods Malaysia Facebook site. Once you subscribed, you will be receiving the links to the videos and meal plans in advance to be able to prepare for their 21-Day Mission which is set to go live on 9th May 2016.

Fitness Demo by Fitness Guru, Dave Nuku

There are 2 parts the healthy meal and workout videos. Fitness guru, Dave Nuku, a certified personal trainer and international presenter on health and fitness issues who was also one of the main trainers on The Biggest Loser Asia TV series. Plus he is also the co-founder of the hugely popular Fire Station gym, and has dedicated his life to helping people achieve their goals and transform their lives through achieving a healthier body, mind and spirit.

Quick and Simple Recipe Demo by Celebrity Nutritionist, Alexandra Prabaharan 

For the nutritional part, Alexandra Prabaharan a renowned nutritionist has created a delicious meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes which complements the fitness regime. All the recipes are designed to be simple and only take less than 15 minutes to prepare. They use easy to find ingredients and deliciously versatile Mission Foods products including Wraps, Pita, Naan and Tortilla Chips.

Are you ready to change to a healthier lifestyle? 
If yes, now is your mission to find out how you can win the 21-Day Mission Pack 
that worth RM5000 each!

Well, good news Mission Foods is giving away the chance to win a fully paid “21-Day Mission Pack’’ to 12 lucky winners. You will receive 3 meals delivered daily and full access to Fire Station to train with Dave Nuku and his team of trainers. The meals are prepared and delivered according to Alexandra’s recipes by Huios Meal Prep, whose ethos is to provide healthy, freshly-prepared meals. Each pack is worth RM5,000.

It's great to be back and kick start my day with a healthier lifestyle mission. At @missionfoodmy #The21DayMission with these awesome ladies :D

What are you waiting for? Check out the contest running on a Mission Foods Malaysia Facebook, Instagram and also on the Men’s Health and Women’s Health magazines and portals from April 17-30, 2016. Winners will be announced on the first week of May. I am going to try my luck and I hope you will join me as well to embark on the journey towards becoming stronger, fitter and healthier. If not now, when?

For more information on #The21DayMission, please visit Mission Foods Malaysia Facebook Page, Instagram and Website


  1. This sounds like an amazing initiative! Pairing a nutritionist and a fitness expert is brilliant, as combining a good diet with exercise is always the most effective way to get fit. I think the contest could definitely help some people get started on their way to a healthier lifestyle.

  2. An awesome journey to health. I think I need something like this too to shed off those unwanted pounds gained from my travels. The thing I like with this is that exercise is combined with a healthy eating regimen which makes it a very effective program.

  3. I'm a huge advocate for healthy eating, so this is awesome!! I'm glad they offer healthy meal plans in addition to the exercise routines.

  4. This really hit me! I lost track of taking care of myself late last year and now I'm back to working out again.

  5. That's an amazing opportunity for people who would like to switch to a healthier lifestyle but don't know how. Being healthy is not just about how you exercise but how you eat as well. This is an excellent program!

  6. Wow, those are healthy eats! They look delicious! I can probably eat healthy food but I have a challenge when it comes to working out. I have a low tolerance on that but I try to do as much exercise as I can.

  7. 21 days can really create a good habit. This is a nice initiative to promote a healthy and fit lifestyle.

  8. Great advocacy! I truly believe in the saying that it takes 21 days to form a habit. I'd love to take part in something like this too.

  9. Wah, I would love to win that 21-day mission package, shucks. Wish the contest can be extended to participants outside Malaysia.:)

  10. Good diet is really as important as good exercise when it comes to fitness. Interesting to know that there is also Biggest Loser in Malaysia. Their trainers do become celebrities, don't they?

  11. good post. really need healthy and fitness program to have a healthy and longer life

  12. Whenever you're thinking of fitness most people think of hitting the gym and don't realize that your diet also should be considered. This sounds like a great program and those lucky winners who get to try this I'm sure would love it.

  13. No wonder my pretty sis is fit no matter how much fr you have attended.
    will share the giveaway news with my friends. :)

  14. I dah joined the contest ! wISH ME LUCK i would like to get fit back !

  15. I was once a fat guy, but because of my perseverance and patience. I did regular diet and controlled my eating habit.21 days challenge is a must.

  16. Right food and moderate physical activity is all it takes to lead a healthy life..

  17. How awesome.. I know I want to join the contest and get myself more fitter and healthier too...

  18. I will check on this program. Looks like I need it. Can't help not too look into those rolls. They look delicious. I wanna grab one.

  19. Gonna check out what this program is all about! Sounds not bad!

  20. This is a great challenge and one I should be participating in,LOL. The program looks great and you are right, 21 days is enough time to change those bad habits!

  21. Awesome event promoting good health habits! We need more of this in Manila! :D

  22. Mission Wraps are one of my grocery items. Yes, your post reminds me to get up and get moving.

  23. Yeah for a healthier lifestyle, can't wait to prepare myself some delicious meals with Mission Foods :)

  24. kelly,agreed with what u said ,if not now ,when? hehe!! coz im wish to be fit, healthy ,but always lazy .i must get know more about it.

  25. I'd love to win a 21 day pack!! I definitely need it since I also packed on a few pounds because of all the food reviews.

  26. They say if you do anything for 21 days it becomes a habit. Nice to do it with good health habits.

  27. Great post! Definitely important to stay healthy. A lot of amazing things can definitely happen within 21 days. That sure sounds like a solid plan. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Looks great Kels. 21 days sounds solid - for it will certainly channel positive energy to most to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  29. Yes! I love this brand, the nachos is everything for me. *yum yum* This 21 day mission challenge seem really fun. I want to win the giveaway!!


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