
How to Increase Awareness and Understanding on Legal Matters?

Have you ever stuck in this situation or unsure about certain legal matters? Certain issues that we might face in our daily lives, such as can the police enter my home as and when they like? How much rights we, as a women have over our husband’s property in a divorce? Well in the midst of uncertainties, we should take initiative to equip ourselves with knowledge, know what is our right and seek credible guidance. 

How to Increase Awareness and Understanding on Legal Matters? 

Recently, I get to know about AskLegal, it is a website that will help us to increase awareness and understanding on legal matters. As usual we all find law complicated and confusing with all the legal jargon and the details. I don’t understand them too. Now we have AskLegal that will simplify the legal jargon and explain all legal matters in simple terms that we all can understand. 

AskLegal is a website that allows us to access to legal information, guidance and resources easily. The site provides numerous ways that we can obtain legal information or guidance and it’s free. Plus they also support the public in getting access to legal services.

If you have any legal question, you can submit your queries at the ‘Ask Section’ on their website; this is something new for Malaysia. The lawyers or academicians will response to you. Therefore you will be better informed of your rights and be able to seek the guides that you need. AskLegal is here to complement the legal profession and not to replace or substitute lawyers.

Plus the website contains current news & reports that are relevant to our daily life. And also legal articles and unedited press statement including listings of legal events such as conferences and workshops and also a Q&A section where the public may ask questions. If you would like to get yourself equip with all those information then check out AskLegal website at

They also worked closely with local universities, lawyers and NGOs to create a legal resource website tailored for the public. AskLegal aims to make a once unnerving world clear and accessible to all.

So now we can get the legal information, guidance and resource on our fingertips. For more about How to Increase Awareness and Understanding on Legal Matters? please visit AskLegal Website and FacebookPage


  1. That is good knowledge.. now I know I can refer to AskLegal.. all this while I ask my friend.. hahaha because she is a lawyer....

  2. Usually legal info comes in hefty prices. Glad that Asklegal is here to help lower the burden

  3. glad to come to know about such helpful platform. i think we are quite lucky as we can get a lot of services online for lower price.

  4. Good to know about AskLegal. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is very useful. We sometimes don't know where to start searching

  6. This is very important! Sometimes public don't have access to legal matter related information, and this website is a great saver!

  7. How wonderful it is to have legal advice right at our fingertips. I used to check out similar sites but they are based in the US and their law may not apply in Malaysia.

  8. This is really a good information and easy way to know more about legal information. Gonna try this soon!

  9. This information is so important these days. Thank you for sharing! I've already bookmarked it and will be using it in the future!

  10. Interesting stuff. personally I talk to the people at LoyarBurok cause those are operated by actual practicing lawyers.

  11. This is really useful and very informative as we often forgot or skip these things.

  12. I think that a useful website, thumbs up for who does creating ask legal

  13. It is a great website! Will mark it down for future reference!

  14. If they got everything covered and reply to queries fast then i can stop asking my friends on legal matters. Haha

  15. Glad to know that there's a website that we can refer for legal guidance.

  16. I used to be a practicing lawyer. This is definitely something people can use help with. Happy New Year Kelly!

  17. thanks for sharing AskLegal, a very useful resource to help us with legal advices :)
    cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  18. Good side to know about Legal knowledge, thanks for your sharing. Now I know where to seek legal advice :)

  19. This is very very handy! Thanks for sharing! Am gonna bookmark this site


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