
Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw

As a responsible citizen of the planet we should Think Before We Throw. Can you imagine how many tonnes of solid waste we throw out everyday and where did all these waste go to? It's our responsibility to preserve the environment for our future generations, every effort gives a huge impact. It starts from us and the source of waste starts from our home itself. Segregating the waste as important as hiring professionals like Vectrum for waste management. If we could separate solid waste at source (home) before we throw them out, we can generate Waste To Energy.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw

Alright, let’s start to think and cultivate green lifestyle. It’s actually very simple and once we adapt to it, it will become part of our daily routine or habit. Start to separate our waste according to categories. 3R recycle, reduce and reuse begin at home.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw
Separate our home solid waste according to Recyclable vs Residual waste

You might want to know What is Waste to Energy? Well, Waste To Energy is a series of process that involves waste treatment to convert residual waste materials into useable energy through a variety of processes, including combustion, gasification, pyrolization, anaerobic digestion, and landfill gas recovery.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
Recyclable Waste vs Residual Waste

Here, we need to identify and know what is Recyclable Waste vs Residual Waste. The recyclable waste need to separate according to groups (paper, glass, aluminium and others) packed in suitable containers or plastic bag and put next to the garbage bin on the collection day or alternatively you can sell it and turn to cash. Then the residual waste such as kitchen waste, food waste, contaminated materials and disposable diapers will be packed in plastic bag and put inside the garbage bins.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
Waste to Energy best practices in some of the advanced countries

Yes indeed, the waste Separation at Source starts at home. The separation at source will help to reduce the amount of waste because part of it will go to recycle and part of it will be processed to energy. Several advanced countries like Japan, Singapore, Jerman, Belgium, Austria and Taiwan had implemented and adopted best practices of Waste to Energy and Separation of Waste at the Source in their cities.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,

What is the impact of Implementation of Act 672 on us? How does it relate to our daily lifestyle? Well, according to my little research, after the implementation of  Act 672 beginning of on 1st September 2015 all premises are required to separate solid waste at the source. The municipal council will collect the recyclable waste once a week and the residual waste twice a week. As of today, only 8 states in Malaysia implemented Act 672 such as Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis, Kedah, Pahang, WP Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. 

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
Waste To Energy plants

All the waste from home will be collected and transported to the Waste To Energy plants for process and treatment to convert to energy such as electric, heat, fuel such as diesels and others. The Waste To Energy plants are equipped with latest technology, comply to the Jabatan Alam Sekitar requirements. Ensuring environment friendly, protected, proven and cost effective.

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,
We don't pollution and contamination like this

Let’s move towards a clean, healthy and beautiful Malaysia. With appropriate solid waste management and treatment our country can alter its current energy mix to a new concept in which renewable and sustainable energy sources have much more contribution for the future. 

Waste To Energy, Think Before We Throw, Waste to Energy plants, waste to energy malaysia, asingkan, waste management malalaysia, environment activist, Recyclable Waste, Residual Waste,

Not only that Waste To Energy implementation also helps to the sustainable development of the country as well as reduces their impact on the planet. Appropriate waste to energy techniques and technologies could help attaining and achieve such goals effectively. 

Update: Announcement 3rd May 2016


Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa mulai 1 September 2015, semua isi rumah di negeri-negeri* yang menerima pakai Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007 (Akta 672) adalah diwajibkan untuk mengasingkan sisa pepejal masing-masing mengikut kategori berikut:

Sisa Baki (sisa dapur, sisa makanan, lampin pakai buang dan bahan-bahan kotor lain) – dimasukkan ke dalam tong sampah beroda yang telah dibekalkan; dan

Sisa Pepejal yang Boleh Dikitar Semula – dibungkus ke dalam beg plastik dan diletakkan di sebelah tong pada hari kutipan yang telah ditetapkan mengikut kategori berikut:
Kertas; dan
Lain-lain (contoh: tin, kaca, seramik)

Bungkusan Sisa Pepejal yang Boleh Dikitar Semula yang bercampur dengan sisa baki akan ditanda dengan pelekat khas berwarna merah dan tidak akan dikutip oleh syarikat konsesi.

Jika Sisa Pepejal yang Boleh Dikitar Semula tidak diasingkan dari sisa baki, tindakan berikut akan diambil:

Amaran akan diberikan oleh SWCorp sehingga 31 Mei 2016;
Kompaun akan dikenakan mulai 1 Jun 2016:
Bagi kesalahan pertama – RM50.00;
Bagi kesalahan kedua – RM100.00; dan
Bagi kesalahan berikutnya – RM500.00.

Sekiranya kompaun tidak diselesaikan, tindakan mahkamah akan diambil dan denda maksimum RM1000.00 boleh dikenakan sekiranya disabit kesalahan.


Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa mulai 1 September 2015, semua isi rumah di negeri-negeri* yang menerima pakai Akta Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam 2007 (Akta 672) adalah diwajibkan untuk mengasingkan sisa pepejal masing-masing mengikut kategori berikut:

Sisa Baki (sisa dapur, sisa makanan, lampin pakai buang dan bahan-bahan kotor lain) – dimasukkan ke dalam tong komunal yang telah dibekalkan; dan

Sisa Pepejal yang Boleh Dikitar Semula – dibungkus ke dalam beg plastik dan diletakkan di dalam bekas yang dibekalkan mengikut kategori berikut:
Kertas; dan
Lain-lain (contoh: tin, kaca, seramik)

Jika Sisa Pepejal yang Boleh Dikitar Semula tidak diasingkan dari sisa baki, tindakan ke atas Badan Pengurusan Bersama (JMB) seperti berikut akan diambil:
Amaran akan diberikan oleh SWCorp sehingga 31 Mei 2016;

Kompaun akan dikenakan mulai 1 Jun 2016:
Bagi kesalahan pertama – RM100.00;
Bagi kesalahan kedua – RM200.00; dan
Bagi kesalahan berikutnya – RM500.00.

Sekiranya kompaun tidak diselesaikan, tindakan mahkamah akan diambil dan denda maksimum RM1000.00 boleh dikenakan sekiranya disabit kesalahan.

For more information about Waste To Energy in Malaysia, please visit Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara (JPSPN) Website and Facebook Page


  1. People nowadays have to practice a good attitude. we should love our earth. Think before we throw.

  2. We should learn how to maintain our environment .It not easy but we need if we want clean environment

  3. It might take Malaysians quite a few more years before they can actually use their head to think before they throw. Sigh...


  4. I think everyone knew but they just dont practise it here. :( So different compare to other countries that i've visited.

  5. We only have one mother earth. Let's do this together! :)

  6. True. We need to start before it's too late. Better save our Mother Earth. After all, she's only we got :)

  7. I do practice at home and i always be careful when it comes to things that can be recycled. :D

  8. thanks for sharing this. now i know how to do recycling more correctly! to save the earth, this is what we should do ;)

  9. It is everyone's responsibility to take care of Mother Earth. Thanks for this informative post on how we can contribute to the betterment of Earth.

  10. Sighh... THe implement should be strict and enforced like in Europe which has done these like 15 years or so ago...

  11. From today onwards, I'll be more responsible. Will separate the rubbish to help our environment.

  12. It was definitely an important message to know about how we should take care of our mother earth! It was important to separate rubbish to save our mother earth!

  13. such a great information. It is indeed good to now about all this

  14. We should love our world is clean and recycle the wastage

  15. yeah! agree with your said in this blog post, everyone of take a part to care our environment, am proud that my family are doing our best too :) cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  16. The hardest past would be the start. Once we started, I guess it will surely be easy to adapt and practice. Good awareness. :)

  17. It's great if everyone doing the same then we can save the earth. =)

  18. it's about time malaysians learn to separate the trash properly hopefully govt provide more recycling bins in every taman

  19. Great post to create awareness... Let's recycle together!

  20. Awesome post! Nowadays you can see lots of shopping malls and company already implement bins with different category. It's good to see that we are towards environment conservation :)

  21. Should have more campaign to raise the awareness about recycle energy, good job :)

  22. my turn to write about this soon.. good to read about it here (* and to copy) hehehehe,..


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