
Benetti @ Singapore Yacht Show 2015

Benetti, Singapore Yatch Show 2015, Gold Coast Marina, Sinagpore, Yatch

I could not make it to Singapore Yacht Show 2015 and Benetti launch because I have important work to clear in Kuala Lumpur this week. Benetti, the world's leading builder of super-yachts over 24m in length for fifteen consecutive years has increased their presence in Asia and APAC.

Benetti, Singapore Yatch Show 2015, Gold Coast Marina, Sinagpore, Yatch

Benetti's primary office is in Asia in Hong Kong and the new Singapore office is at Gold Coast Marina since April 2015. According to the latest statistics from Cap Gemini and RNC Wealth Management, published in Superyachttimes's Annual Superyacht Industry Report, the Asian Pacific continues to be the driving force behind the growth of the High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) in 2013. Asia is becoming more important in the superyacht market.

One of the vessels currently spearheading Benetti construction is the FB276, specifically designed for the Asian market. At 63m the on spec build will be launched in June 2017. Many design solutions are found aboard, adapting the yacht to the tastes of Oriental Owners, not exactly fans of sunbathing and an outdoor activities.

The extended upper deck lounge area, with its own bar, sofas and relax area with Jacuzzi, is partially covered as is the beach area astern while keeping everything available for having fun on the water. 

All the yacht's ambients always keep their visual contact with the sea and the external environment. For more information about the Benetti, please visit

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