
How I Tattoo My Lips

How I Tattoo My Lips, Shizens Lip Tattoo, Lips Tattoo

Let me show you How I Tattoo My Lips! Are you ready? This Lip Tattoo is no pain at all, no downtime, no blood and it’s done in less than a minute. You can do it anytime, anywhere and as many times as you wish in all year round. This is super unbelievable but it’s true. Continue to read and see how I do it!

How I Tattoo My Lips, Shizens Lip Tattoo, Lips Tattoo, Shizens
Shizens Lip Tattoo

Ok girls, I received this Shizens Lip Tattoo during The Butterfly Project Christmas Party. Awww! As you know lah, we girls love makeup, skincare and all the beautiful stuff, basically we want to look good and feel great. Is our right to be beautiful because we can.

How I Tattoo My Lips, Shizens Lip Tattoo, Lips Tattoo, Shizens

This Lip Tattoo is actually a lipgloss cum lipstick and it’s very unique. The original color is white. When you apply on your lips leave it for about less than a minutes it will transformed to the color according to our body temperature. This is one of the star product of Shizens. Have you try it?

How I Tattoo My Lips, Shizens Lip Tattoo, Lips Tattoo, Shizens

So my body temperature is moderate and I get a very natural rosy color. I like the smooth and non-sticky texture. The applicator just glides easily on my lips. Then gradually I can see the colors start to show. It’s quite moisturizing and also helps to reduce the appearance of lip lines. What I know if we constantly uses this Lip Tattoo it will also help to lightens the dark pigmented lips and turn them into natural rosy tone. Tadah! I get a natural glossy lip.

How I Tattoo My Lips, Shizens Lip Tattoo, Lips Tattoo, Shizens

Overall, like the convenience, effect and the color of the Shizens Lip Tattoo. Plus it also helps to plumps up my lips. So now you know how I tattoo my lips in less than a minute without pain at all. Let’s tattoo! Ola here is my kissable lips ~ muacks!

 For more information about Shizens Lip Tattoo, please visit


  1. omg I really thought that you have a tattoo on my lips. Hehe. Great colour! It really fits on your lips <3 xo

  2. pretty color with this lip tattoo!!


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