
Superfood Quib Quinoa

Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food, Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe,

I pledged to maintain a healthy and balance lifestyle although sometimes I had my cheat day but I will work out double to burn off those extra calories. Apart from watching my calories intake, I also try to eat more fresh and organic food. Now days we are more careful and selective of what goes into our body, same as myself. I try to consume more superfood and one of them is Quinoa to replace my rice and carbs.

Superfoods mostly are plant-based but also some fish and dairy products thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. There is a list of top superfood that you can find when you google it. Quinoa is one of the popular superfoods that is loaded with protein, fiber and minerals but doesn’t contain any gluten.

Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
Ambassador of Peru, His Excellency Mr. Marco Balarezo at the launch of Quib Quinoa @ Starhill Culinary Studio, Kuala Lumpur

The Quib Quinoa was launched recently in Malaysia at Starhill Culinary Studio, Kuala Lumpur in the presence of Ambassador of Peru, His Excellency Mr. Marco Balarezo. Quib Quinoa originally from Peru, it’s a white quinoa product which is certified 100% organic. It is a grain crop grown primarily for its edible seeds and has been cultivated over thousands of years.

Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe, Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
Quib Quinoa originally from Peru, ertified 100% organic now available in Malaysia

Quinoa is also known as the “Mother Grain”, research has shown that this product is a good source of dietary fibre and protein, high in iron, gluten-free and contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. It is also known to help people with type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

Being a complete protein source, quinoa has a nutritional make up containing all nine amino acids; this pseudocereal boasts a more than a 50% proportion of its fat content to essential polyunsaturated fatty acid in the form of alpha linolenic acid (omega 3) and oleic acid (omega 9), respectively.

When we talk about health foods, the consideration of calorie to fat intake ratio is of high significance to attain 1g of fat consumption requires 370 calories for whole wheat, whereas in the case of substitution to quinoa only requires approximately 68 calories.

Following the overwhelmingly positive response quinoa has been receiving globally, United Nations declared the year 2013 as the “International Year of Quinoa”.

Superfood’ quinoa tastes great with its subtle nutty taste and satisfying light crunch. The prewashed Quib Quinoa makes it very easy to prepare. Experience the goodness of this “Mother Grain” by mixing with vegetables, served cold in salads, cooked in savoury soups and stews, baked in sweet pudding and cookies, or even as a rice substitute to complement our local sambal or curry.

Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe, Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
Fisherman’s Cove Executive Chef, Chef Wai substituted traditional
carbohydrates with Quib Quinoa

After the launched we witnessed a live cooking demonstration from Fisherman’s Cove Executive Chef, Chef Wai, who substituted traditional carbohydrates with Quib Quinoa. You can find all the quinoa recipes in Quib website and try it out at the comforts of your own home kitchen.

Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe, Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
Tiger prawn satay with crusted quinoa, baked cod fillet lime & quinoa puree, fried chicken thigh with coconut & screw pine leaves quinoa

1. Mother grain crusted tiger prawn satay, sweet-chilli spiced sauce pickled vegetables.
2. Ginger-coriander baked cod fillet lime & quinoa puree
3. Wild ginger-marinated chicken thigh, coconut & screw pine leaves quinoa

Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe, Quinoa Belgian Chocolate Brownie, Belgian Chocolate Brownie, Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
Quinoa Belgian Chocolate Brownie

4. Quinoa Belgian Chocolate Brownie
5. Quinoa Cranberry & Almond Meal Flapjacks
6. Quinoa Pumpkin Seed, Melon Seed, Dates, Apricot & Hazelnut Health Bar

Cook quinoa, how to cook quinoa, quinoa recipe, Superfood Quib Quinoa, Superfood, quib quinoa, quinoa, health food
How to Cook Quinoa?

How to Cook Quinoa? It is easy to cook the plain quinoa plus it is also tasty and goes well with many foods. Just put 2 cups of water in a pot, turn up the heat. Add 1 cup of raw quinoa, with a dash of salt. Boil for 15-20 minutes. It should now have absorbed most of the water and gotten a fluffy look. If done right, it should have a mild, nutty flavour and a satisfying crunch.

Superfood Quib Quinoa is available in 25kg pack, 400g pack, or 10 packs of 400g. It is retail in Ben’s Independent Grocer, Mercato, Jasons Food Hall, all Cold Storage outlets and all Village Grocer outlets. Plus you can also purchase online at Quib Quinoa Website


  1. Very unique, one more healthy option for me :)

  2. Thank you Sunshine Kelly for your tremendous support! you can find us on ig @quibquinoa and @quinoamalaysia

  3. Thank you Sunshine Kelly for your tremendous support! you can find us on ig @quinoamalaysia and @quibquinoa


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